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Service of water purification systems

Water treatment system service is another successfully developed area of activity of Alter Air. We carry out service of all water treatment systems. These are different types of filters (running, column and cabin), reverse osmosis systems and more. This condition is just necessary for the operation of the equipment. We have experienced professionals in our team, so the work will be performed efficiently and on time.
Alter Air can offer you maintenance services for fine water purification and large one. Fine purification - for drinking water, rough cleaning - for technical water. Reverse osmosis is responsible for purification of drinking water, and for technical - the filter of rough purification, filters of offices and columns, and also the carbon filter.
This system consists of five filters, each of which has its own service life. In reverse osmosis systems it is necessary to replace the filters at least once every 4-6 months. Carbon and mineralizer should be changed once a year. If this deadline is not met, the water treatment system will simply lose its effectiveness, and other filters will soon become unusable, and you will drink bad untreated water.
We have indicated the approximate timing of filter changes, these values may vary depending on the degree of iron concentration in the water used.
Coarse filters need to be cleaned every six months for efficient operation, and cabin, column and carbon filters must be changed every four years.
In addition to replacing and cleaning filters, we can also order water analysis, which is necessary to select a water purification system properly.
Water is tested for:
This is a simple test. At the request of the customer it is possible to carry out more detailed analysis in which water is checked on 17 parameters. If you want to learn more about this procedure, go to the "Analysis of water for domestic use".
We carry out the full process of implementing the climate system - from concept creation to installation and service.
Our specialists implement all the main climate systems in a house - from ventilation to automation.
We have been providing engineering services since 2008, but we never stop. Every year - new technologies and proposals.
We provide full technical control of engineering systems at the facility - for clients and related organizations.
Any water treatment system requires care and maintenance. High levels of chlorine, iron, hydrogen sulfide, rust and other elements adversely affect the condition of any water treatment system. If you want to drink clean water, then you need to pay attention to equipment maintenance from time to time. Of course, you can wash some filters or replace them yourself, but again, this is only in some cases and you need to consult a specialist about purchasing the appropriate water cartridges.
You can communicate with qualified specialists at our company, and as well look at water filtration systems on the website and order an individual project of water purification and installation of water filters.
Best of all, our work will be demonstrated by implemented objects
We are happy to jointly conduct projects with organizations and self-employed specialists, recommend you to our clients and help with the outsourced engineering part. Additionally, we invite you to attend seminars of the "Engineering in Design" series, where we show by examples how to correctly implement engineering systems in the interiors of end customers.
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