Autonomous heating in an apartment

When the cold comes, we all want to feel comfortable and warm at home. This is possible thanks to an apartment heating system.
Despite the fact that most apartments are smaller than houses, heating them in cold weather is not always easy and often not budget-friendly. Choosing the best heating system can certainly be a difficult process. Therefore, we will help you understand the best heating systems for apartment buildings so that you can choose the most efficient system for your home.
Central heating is a system whose heat source is a boiler house or CHP plant. As a rule, they are located outside heated buildings.
In most cases, heating in an apartment is carried out using a central system. Unfortunately, it is not efficient enough. We attribute this to several reasons:
the heating system is switched on and off according to the schedule of the state. Most often, the consumer has to freeze in the off-season due to the late switching on and early switching off of the central heating;
large heat losses during transportation of the heat carrier from the heat source to an apartment, as the heat carrier travels a long distance. Thus, during the passage of the heat carrier through pipelines, it loses a significant part of its temperature;
it is practically impossible to adjust the heating temperature in an apartment, since the control is carried out by the boiler room. Based on this, there may not be enough heat in an apartment, or vice versa, the room will overheat. All these points affect the human condition, since insufficient heating or overheating of an apartment will create discomfort for residents and may negatively affect their well-being.
We can conclude that apartment owners become "hostages" of utility service providers, since an apartment owner cannot influence the heating system on his own. That is why autonomous heating in an apartment is a more profitable option for the consumer in all aspects.
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Autonomous heating in an apartment is a system where your own heating unit, which is located in an apartment, is considered as a heat source. This system has advantages over the central system, namely:
it is possible to turn off and turn on the heating system at any time;
modern boilers are equipped with weather compensation automation, which will allow you to track changes in the outside temperature and provide an apartment with the necessary heat;
with the correct design of the building, the residents of the house will be able to spend less money on the heating system. Thus, all enclosing structures: foundation, ceilings, walls, etc. are selected taking into account their thermal insulation qualities. In addition, high-quality double-glazed windows will not let in heat in summer and cold in winter;
Heating with an electric boiler is a system where an electric boiler acts as a heat source, which works to heat rooms, and heats the water in the hot water tank or use by residents for their own needs.
The principle of operation of the electric boiler:
Water in the electric boiler constantly circulates and is heated by a tubular heating element.
Hot water is transported to the DHW tank or heating circuit.
From the heating circuit, the cooler water returns to the system and the cycle repeats.
It is important to note that the lower the outside temperature, the more the tubular heating element consumes energy. Accordingly, when the heating element warms up, electricity consumption will decrease.
Electric boilers have the function of weather compensation control, the principle of which is to regulate the heating of water in the boiler, based on the outside temperature. Thus, the boiler increases or reduces the heating of water, which in turn will allow residents to rationally use energy resources.
An important part of the implementation of the heating system is the installation of a system of underfloor heating.The area covered by the system should be 100% of total floor area. The underfloor heating system is low-temperature system, so it is necessary to ensure a low temperature of the heat carrier supply so that the floor surface is in the range of + 24-26 ° C (comfortable temperature for the human foot). Thus, in order to ensure the transportation of a higher temperature to the radiators, and a lower one to the warm floor, it is necessary to install pumping groups.
Heating an apartment using an electric boiler has disadvantages:
low efficiency (efficiency factor). With 1 kW of electricity, the boiler provides only 0.9 kW of thermal energy;
since the electric heating in an apartment works with the help of electricity, when it is turned off, the system will stop functioning;
produced kW of electricity in an apartment must comply with thermotechnical calculations.
Thus, in order for autonomous heating in an apartment to work without interruption, when performing a thermotechnical calculation, you need to pay attention to the consumption of kW of an electric boiler and electrical appliances to avoid their frequent shutdown.
Gas heating is a system where a gas boiler of any type is used as a heat source. In turn, a gas boiler is a device that performs the function of heating and is able to provide residents with hot water, thanks to the combustion of gaseous fuels.
An atmospheric boiler is a unit that has an open combustion chamber so the boiler must be installed in a boiler room. The boiler has a significant drawback, due to which it is not popular among consumers – it is impossible to control the temperature. Thus, when the boiler is turned on, it can only work at full capacity.
A turbocharged boiler is a device with a closed type combustion chamber. The principle of operation of the device is that air is supplied to the combustion chamber by means of a fan through a coaxial flue or through a room. In turn, the coaxial flue is a "pipe in pipe" device. This means that 2 processes can be carried out at the same time: drawing in outside combustion air and throwing the exhaust gas out. This boiler is not in high demand among buyers, because it has a low efficiency. Since, during the process of gas combustion and energy transfer to the heat carrier, part of the heat is lost.
The most efficient device is a condensing type boiler. The principle of operation of the boiler is based on the condensation process:
Condensation occurs when warm and cold air streams come into contact. Accordingly, hot air is carbon dioxide, which comes up from the combustion chamber, and cold air enters from top to bottom into the heat exchanger through a coaxial flue. *The principle of operation is "pipe in pipe" - the inner pipe is hot, and the outer pipe is cold.
After that, heat is released in the form of hot water masses, which is fed into the heating circuit and used to heat the chilled water in the return pipeline. Thus, preheated water is supplied to the burner, which in turn reduces energy costs.
The system also uses the residual heat from the flue gases. Thus, through the air supply pipe, which is located in the flue, the incoming air is heated due to the heat of the exhaust gases. Accordingly, already warm air enters the burner, thereby providing additional energy savings. Therefore, because additional energy is used in the system, the efficiency of the boiler can exceed 100%. Another advantage of the boiler is the presence of weather compensation control. With the help of a sensor located on the street, the temperature of the heat carrier is adjusted to maintain comfort in the house.
Based on this, a condensing boiler is most suitable as a heat source for an apartment. It should be noted that for the efficient operation of the heating system, it is necessary to fulfill the requirement regarding the temperature of the heat carrier, as well as the area of underfloor heating should cover maximum of the floor surface. For a condensing boiler, it is necessary to provide a heating carrier supply temperature of +50°C, respectively, a return heat carrier temperature of +35°C. Thus, the lower the water supply temperature, the more efficient the operation of the gas boiler.
The disadvantage of the condensing boiler is the uncontrolled gas pricing policy in Ukraine, due to the war in Ukraine.
Heating in an apartment based on a heat pump is a profitable solution, since the heat source is able to provide residents with 3 functions:
hot water supply (DHW).
There are three types of heating systems in an apartment:
An air-to-air heat pump — the appearance of the unit resembles a classic air conditioner, but it can operate at low temperatures. These heat pumps are not common in Ukraine, as they have significant disadvantages:
if an outside temperature is -20℃, the heat pump will not be able to effectively heat an apartment;
if the system is turned off, the room cools down quickly;
the location of the indoor unit of the heat pump at the top of the room is not a very effective solution. Since warm air always rises, the supply of heated air from the top of the room will lead to the accumulation of warm air under the ceiling. In addition, there will be cool air at the bottom of the room, which will cause discomfort to residents.
An air-to-water heat pump is the most demanded device in buildings with a high level of energy efficiency up to 200 m2.
The COP (electricity to heat conversion ratio) of a heat pump is high, as the unit is able to convert 1 kW of electricity into 3 kW of heat. The implementation of a heating system based on a heat pump will allow residents to reduce the cost of heating/cooling the rooms and hot water, and with a high COP, the heating system will pay back much faster. As we mentioned earlier, a mandatory requirement for the implementation of heating based on a heat pump is the installation of an underfloor heating system over the entire surface of the floor, as well as the installation of additional devices (radiators, fan coil units, in-floor convectors).
A geothermal heat pump is a unit that, like an air-to-water heat pump, can work for heating/cooling and hot water supply, while using the thermal energy of the earth. This pump is more resistant to temperature, since the temperature of the earth is approximately +12℃ all year round. The COP of a geothermal heat pump is 1:6. Accordingly, when converting 1 kW of electricity, the device is able to give up to 6 kW of heat.
It is important to note that the implementation of the system using a geothermal heat pump is laborious and rather costly, since it is necessary to carry out earthworks in order to install submersible probes. It is impossible to implement such a system for an apartment.
Underfloor heating is not a full-fledged heating system, but is considered a constant in the implementation of a heating system based on a heat pump. First of all, underfloor heating is a comfort in your home. As we mentioned earlier, cold air always accumulate at the bottom of the room, respectively, the person will feel discomfort in the foot area.
Since the underfloor heating is a low-temperature element of the system, it is necessary to ensure that the heat carrier supply temperature is lower for it (supply + 50 °C, and the return temperature + 35C), in comparison with auxiliary units, such as in-floor convectors, fan coil units and radiators. Thus, pump groups are installed that can send a lower temperature heat carrier to the warm floor, and a higher temperature to auxiliary units.
It is important to note that heating in an apartment only with a n underfloor heating is an irrational solution, since this system is inert, and accordingly, the following problem may arise:
In the case when the outside temperature is constantly fluctuating (let's say it was -10°C and rose sharply to +5°C), the concrete will get very hot and will cool down for a long time, which will create discomfort.
Based on this, in order to prevent this situation from occurring, it is necessary to install additional devices:
Fan coil unit is a device that can generate heat and cold.
Radiator — a device that is used only for heating.
In-floor convector — a device that performs the function of heating. However, with Kampmann HK, the occupants will get a cooling function as well.
The price for autonomous heating in an apartment depends on the type of system, the area of an apartment, the selected heat source, additional units and, of course, the wishes of the client. Let us consider three options for pricing policy for the consumer. It should be noted that the installation of heating in an apartment, and the price will be clearly understood after our specialists provide the commercial offer. We talked about this stage earlier.
Heating in an apartment based on an air-to-water heat pump.
Below there is an example of the installation of an air-to-water heat pump heating system by Alter Air professionals in a 150 m² apartment.
Installed equipment:
underfloor heating – 100% of the floor area;
Kampmann's convectors;
Kermi radiators;
boiler room based on Viessmann Vitocal 100-S air-to-water heat pump;
100L buffer tank;
300L hot water tank.
The price of this equipment and the work performed is approximately 1.5 million UAH.
* However, each object is unique and the cost for your object will differ from that indicated in the example.
Heating in an apartment in the medium segment is implemented with the help of a gas condensing boiler.
Let us consider an example of one of the projects carried out by our specialists in a 100 m² apartment.
Installed equipment:
underfloor heating - 100% of the floor area;
Kermi radiator heating (through a distribution manifold, beam pattern);
Uponor automation;
boiler room based on the Viessmann Vitodens 200-W gas boiler with weather compensation control;
200L indirect heating tank
The cost of this system implementation is approximately 500,000-550,000 UAH.
Heating system with an electric boiler — does not require large investments.
Using the example of the project carried out by the Alter Air team, one can understand the cost and equipment that will be installed for this heating system in a 100 m² apartment.
Installed equipment:
wall-mounted electric boiler VAILLANT eloBLOCK VE9/14 (3+6 kW) with eBus
pump groups with thermal insulation (for underfloor heating and radiator circuit);
automation modules;
indirect heating boiler with Drazice OKC 250 NTR/BP 250L coil.
The cost of this system implementation is approximately 260,000-280,000 UAH. Of which 120,000 UAH is for equipment, 150,000 UAH — for installation and piping.
If you have a heat meter installed in your apartment, then the residents of the house can switch to individual heating in an apartment - to an electric boiler, an air-to-water heat pump or a gas boiler.
Individual heating in an apartment based on an air-to-water heat pump is the most cost-effective solution. You can find out more about this heat source in the "Heat pump heating" section.
In case when residents have apartment heating of an individual type, it is not necessary to turn off the heating. Since an apartment has a heat meter. Thus, the heat meter does not spin - the client does not pay for the service.
However, if there is no heat meter in an apartment, unfortunately, you can’t turn off the central heating in any way and you will have to pay depending on the area of your apartment.
The cost of implementing heating in an apartment depends on the specifics of the object itself, the selected equipment, the piping of the boiler room, the complexity of installation and other factors.
Therefore, you can find in this article, as well as by contacting our specialists at: 0-800-33-08-28, how to design and carry out autonomous heating in an apartment and the cost of its implementation.
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Sergiiy Mazur
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