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- Air conditioning of private houses (cottages) - correct implementation
Air conditioning for private houses

The air conditioning system for a private house is based on the same principles as for an apartment. In small houses, split systems or multi-split systems with different types of indoor units can be used. The air conditioning of a large cottage can be organized using multi-zone systems.
It is necessary to find a place for the installation of the outdoor and indoor units of the system. The main and prerequisite for the competent implementation of the system in the house is that it is unacceptable to install the equipment in such a way that the air flows directly to the bed or desktop.
Ventilation and air conditioning of a country house can be organized using equipment for any budget. But the final result will depend on competent design (calculations), professional selection of equipment, and high-quality installation.
Formation of operation principle and components of a future system
This stage is the first and fundamental. It involves a meeting with a client, where the characteristics of the object, the client's wishes and the budget are discussed. Based on this information, it is already possible to form a general idea about the future climate system. In addition, exactly at this stage, the client can understand whether the approach of the company and the intended implementation of the system is pleasant.
Without this step, it is impossible to move on to the subsequent stages of the implementation of the engineering system in the house or apartment.
A package of documents with drawing and specifications for the system
The design of the internal engineering system is the first stage of its implementation at the facility. It includes the development of drawings with diagrams, plans, accurate calculations and indications of the dimensions and location of the ventilation system elements. The project also contains a specification, a task for builders, electricians, plumbers and a feasibility study for the choice of equipment. For reliability and a better result, you need to order the design of a ventilation system in specialized design and installation organizations at the stage of construction or reconstruction of a building in order to avoid possible complications and unnecessary material costs.
Several options of the system - for different budgets
This stage is possible only after carrying out calculations, which correspond to the power and functionality of the future system. The cost of the future project is adjusted precisely due to the equipment - depending on the equipment, the price of the entire system changes. The cost of aerodynamics remains unchanged in all 3 variants, since a decrease in the price of a strapping entails a decrease in its area, which will lead to incorrect operation or increased noise characteristics. Alter Air provides several equipment options - depending on the selected system pricing policy. Nevertheless, we always focus on manufacturers, proven by time and experience.
Installation of equipment by certified teams according to the project
Installation of a climatic, water treatment or power supply system provides for the installation of equipment in strict accordance with engineering and structural calculations and drawings. This kind of work is most competently performed by specialists from design and installation organizations that provide services in a complex: design, installation and commissioning of the system. The installation of the internal engineering system is carried out in stages: marking the locations of equipment and air ducts, installation of installations, insulation, assembly and connection of system units, connection of drainage and power supply, start-up and commissioning, completion of repair work, installation of ventilation grilles and consoles.
Setting up and checking the efficiency of the system before starting it
During commissioning, the power cables of the system are connected, start-up, adjustment and debugging of the working climate system are carried out. If all installation steps are followed, the installation will run smoothly and efficiently. At this stage, the most important task is to check the installation and configure the system in accordance with the project. Without commissioning, it is impossible to hand over the system to the client.
Maintenance and monitoring of the system after its start
Alter Air is not just another online store that deals exclusively with the sale of equipment, but a full-fledged design and installation organization, the scope of which is much wider. We are engaged in service maintenance of air conditioners, fans, ventilation units, we carry out repair of water purification filters, repair of an air humidifier in Kiev and Ukraine, restoration of battery and much, much more. Service maintenance of systems is an important stage, since the client, in the process of interacting with the climate system, may notice certain aspects that need to be corrected or reconfigured. Service and repair of many systems can be carried out even remotely - Alter Air specialists are always in touch.
At first, it may seem that design is a step that can be overlooked and thereby save money. But we are sure that this opinion is wrong because with it you get a system according to your budget, which works efficiently, it is well placed and works in conjunction with other engineering systems.
An efficient system that suits all room parameters
Designing allows you to calculate and visually create the system as accurately as possible. A complete package of design documentation includes drawings with diagrams, plans, precise calculations and indications of the dimensions and location of the ventilation system elements. The project also contains a specification, a task for builders, electricians, plumbers and a feasibility study for the choice of equipment. This will make the result accurate and technically sound.
Aesthetics and productivity of a climate system are result of common work
Coordination with interior designers and architects is an important part of making a system that is not only effective but also aesthetically pleasing. Constant contact with designers will also speed up the implementation process - no party will redo their projects and waste their time, and the client will get the best result.
Interaction with "subcontractors" (installers, builders, electricians)
The facility often employs several specialists or companies, each of which has its own area of responsibility. But all zones are most often connected to each other. Alter Air provides specifications and tasks for related specialists, which are in one way or another related to the implementation of our climate systems. This allows you to avoid stagnation in the work process and achieve a better result.
Complex projects for several systems - saving time and nerves
The Alter Air team includes specialists from all climatic areas - ventilation, air conditioning, heating, water purification and water treatment, etc. This allows you to create complex systems projects and integrate systems into each other. This approach is an absolute advantage of our company, because the client can get the implementation of all climatic systems in one company.
The ability to clearly plan the budget for the climate system
Designing will allow you to see the exact estimate before the start of installation work, you can choose a system within the strict limits of the allocated budget. Alter Air offers the client several financial variations of the system in order to choose the most comfortable and suitable one. With the package of documentation, the client will receive a clear understanding of the cost of the project in order to be able to plan their expenses.
Depending on the tasks, the characteristics of the facility, and the budget, the air conditioning system can be implemented in different ways. An important factor in choosing is the location of the indoor unit of the air conditioner: on the wall, in the ceiling space, on the floor, in a niche, etc.
We propose to consider in more detail several options:
We are happy to jointly conduct projects with organizations and self-employed specialists, recommend you to our clients and help with the outsourced engineering part. Additionally, we invite you to attend seminars of the "Engineering in Design" series, where we show by examples how to correctly implement engineering systems in the interiors of end customers.
Become a partnerThe best confirmation of our professionalism is our completed projects
Bringing thermoregulation to life in your home is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. But the benefits to human comfort and health from such a system are enormous and you will appreciate it as soon as you start using it. Ventilation and air conditioning of a private house can be implemented using different equipment. Here we distinguish three price categories:
As for the appearance of the facade of buildings and the design of the rooms themselves, it is better to use multi-split and multi-zone systems with channel-type internal blocks to preserve them. This will allow, using only one outdoor unit (located in a specially designated place/niche), to ensure the maintenance of climatic parameters in the required number of rooms. In this case, the internal duct-type blocks will be hidden in the hemmed area of the ceiling, and only decorative ventilation grilles will be visible in the room.
By contacting Alter Air, you will receive a quality solution for the air conditioning system in the shortest possible time at an affordable price - we are engaged in the sale, installation, and design of air conditioning systems throughout Ukraine.
It should be noted that air conditioning and ventilation in a private house are two systems that perform different functions. Ventilation carries out the supply and removal of air, and the air conditioning system takes air from the room and returns it cooled. They complement each other, creating a favorable microclimate in the house.
The ventilation and air conditioning system in a private house is an important component of coziness and comfort.
We invite you to visit one of our facilities online and appreciate the high quality of our design solutions and installation.
We solve the problem of microclimate in a house, starting from ventilation, air conditioning, heating and ending with humidification and air purification. We make sure that all systems interact productively with each other and at the same time do not consume a lot of energy in order to save your costs. In our work, we are like a family doctor - we treat your home, analyze a problem, offer solutions to it, and not just sell pills like a pharmacist in a pharmacy.
When choosing equipment for an air conditioning system at home, pay attention to the following characteristics:
The calculation is made taking into account the following parameters:
A seemingly simple task, in reality, requires a responsible approach, knowledge, and serious calculations. In fact, the “choose an air conditioner for the area” approach does not always work, since the room conditions can make serious adjustments to the requirements for its capacity.
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Сергей МазурИнженер-проектировщик
Sergiiy Mazur
Андрій К.
Спасибо за интересный материал, но подскажите, какой же все таки самый главный критерий при выборе хорошего кондиционера для дома?
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