Kyiv, Honchara street
28 days
20 days
35 days
On the basis of Czech Jablotron equipment we have implemented a centralized ventilation system with a principle of a constant air flow. Supply and exhaust ventilation unit Jablotron Futura L is equipped with a heat and moisture recuperator of a new generation. Such technology allows to keep the heat and humidity level in the room with the same indicators, thus reducing the load on the heating system at the apartment during the cold period.
The nominal maximum capacity of the installation is 350 m3/hour. This performance is quite enough to ensure a full air exchange at the apartment. The unit is controlled by an Alfa wall panel, where you can monitor the level of CO2, humidity and temperature.
The ventilation unit is mounted on special vibration dampers. This is done so that the vibrations generated during its operation are not transmitted to the floor or wall.
Our specialists have also designed and installed the silencers to drown out aerodynamic noise and engine sounds.Thus, the operation of the installation does not cause any discomfort to the residents at all.
The duct system was installed in the under-ceiling space. In the photo you can see the air ducts with black rubber insulation among all the systems. They work with outside air, and the insulation 2 cm thick prevents the formation of condensation, maintains thermal performance and ensures stable operation of the ventilation system.
The rest of the ducts that do not work with outside air are insulated with aerofol - an eight-millimeter insulator. It also helps to avoid condensation and additionally absorbs system noise during its operation.
During the fine finish works, the ceiling will be covered with plasterboard and only linear diffusers will remain visible. Our specialists have used Madel Look concealed slot diffusers for this project.
Thus, with the help of such a ventilation system, we have ensured a full-fledged high-quality air exchange in the apartment for its residents: fresh air will be supplied to the clean zones - the living room, the bedroom, the nursery, and waste air will be taken from the dirty zones - the kitchen and the bathroom.
For this project our engineers have chosen duct air conditioning which is implemented on the basis of a multi-split system. For the purpose of high-quality conditioning we have picked Daikin equipment among others.
One duct air conditioner is located in the corridor. It cools the kitchen-living area. In order to cool the bedroom, the system uses a second air conditioner, which is installed in the ceiling space of the bathroom. This arrangement allows you to maximize the height of the ceilings in the main rooms.
It is important to note that after fine finish, air conditioners and air ducts are not visible. And only graceful linear diffusers remain visible for supplying and distributing air from both the air conditioning and the ventilation systems.
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