Heating design in Kyiv

If you want to install a durable, high-quality, energy-efficient heating system that will interact with other engineering systems and is invisible in design, then creating a heating system project is a must.
By ordering this service from Alter Air, you will receive:
It is necessary to think about design before the start of repairs or at the stage of construction of a country house, since the implementation of the heating system involves many installation works.
The heating project must be ready before the installation of the system.
Thermotechnical calculation allows you to find out the coefficient of thermal conductivity, which indicates how much heat the building releases to the outdoors. This calculation considers the technical characteristics of the building (the materials from which it is made: foundation, roof, external walls, double-glazed windows, etc.).
Based on the data obtained, you can find out the heat loss of the building and proceed with the selection of equipment and a heat source for the heating system.
Based on the data obtained from the calculations, a commercial offer is created. This implies an estimate with an approximate calculation of the budget, which at the end may differ by a maximum of 15% up or down. The documentation will provide complete information about the equipment and piping of the heating system.
Heating design is the first and one of the most important stages in creating a high-quality, durable, and most importantly safe engineering system for your home. Creating design drawings and calculations will allow you to find out not only the cost of the future heating system, but also the location of all equipment and piping systems, as well as select a heat source.
Development of a heating system for a country house, cottage, or apartment will help you avoid mistakes during installation:
In the modern world, only forced circulation of the heat carrier in the heating system is used. The main feature of this type of system is the use of a circulation pump for forced transportation of the heat carrier.
Basically, a forced circulation heating system consists of:
Air heating is a system where air is used as a heat carrier. The following can be used as a heat source: a gas generator, an electric heating element, a heat pump, etc. This type of heating system is mainly used in administrative buildings, shopping centers, offices, and restaurants.
How it works. The system has a heat source that generates heat. Next, the heat is transferred to the air, which moves through the duct system, thanks to superchargers, and through the air diffusers enters the premises, thereby heating them.
The air heating system operated on the principle of recirculation. This implies that 70% of the indoor air is used for heating, and 30% is adding fresh air to the mixture.
Disadvantages of air heating:
Air heating is not used in residential buildings and apartments.
An electric boiler is a device for heating a heat carrier in a piping system using electricity.
The electric boiler performs the following functions:
In the electric heating system can be used:
Electric heating is considered if there is no gas-main on the site. Since, laying a gas pipeline will be an expensive solution.
Disadvantages of electric heating:
The heat pump is multifunctional equipment for the implementation of a comfortable microclimate throughout the year. With the correct implementation of the heating system, you will receive an energy-efficient and economic climate system.
The device performs three functions:
1. heating in winter;
2. cooling during the warm period;
3. water heating for hot water supply.
Types of heat pumps:
has all three functions, but compared to an air heat pump, installation is an expensive solution, since a lot of additional work is necessary (drilling wells, installing geothermal probes, soil analysis, etc.).
Heat pumps are well-known for their high efficiency, so they are in great demand among consumers.
However, to achieve such efficiency, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
The best solution among gas boilers is a condensing type boiler.
A condensing boiler is equipment with an operating principle based on the condensation process. Thus, instead of throwing combustion products out, the device stores and uses water vapor in the system as an additional source of energy. As a result, we get an efficiency above 100%.
If you are interested in learning about other types of gas boilers, we recommend that you read the article “Gas or electric – which boiler is better and more cost-efficient”.
Solid fuel boiler is equipment for space heating. Thermal energy is obtained by burning solid raw materials (coal, wood, briquettes, etc.). In the modern world, where natural resources are especially valued, the use of a solid fuel boiler is not in great demand. In addition, there are other difficulties:
A hybrid heating system is implemented using several heat sources (two or more). Such a system is used when the main heat source is not enough.
What equipment combinations can be used?
For a more profound understanding of hybrid heating systems, we recommend reading the article “Combined heating system – the choice and price of a mixed system for the home”.
After the stage of collecting information, Alter Air specialists begin to implement the project.
1. General project data (list of project sheets, climatic data of the region, list of standards used in the project, room temperatures, heat loss data, data on maximum power consumption), description of systems and their characteristics.
2. Plan of the heating system, where you can find the following:
3. Sheet with a basic heat balance diagram of the furnace.
4. Drawings of the furnace with:
5. Axonometric schemes of heating (if necessary).
6. Sheets with the task for:
Thanks to thermotechnical calculation, the thermophysical characteristics of enclosing structures are found out. Then, heat losses and heat gains are calculated, and the heat output of the heating system is calculated.
Hydraulic calculation implies: calculation of hydraulic resistance; selection of the section of pipelines; hydraulic piping; selection of shut-off and control valves, etc.
Often, a feasibility study is done before the design phase to assess the payback of the system.
Upon completion of the project, you receive detailed information about it and the cost of equipment and additional elements of the system, excluding the cost of installation work.
The cost of the heating system project is 150 UAH per m².
This service includes designing:
Alter Air designs systems of any complexity, taking into account the current trends in the development of traditional and alternative sources of heating. Using modern heat pumps, economical convectors and radiators, condensing and electric boilers in our work, we achieve energy efficiency and maximum comfort in your home. As a result, our projects are modern and functional, and the equipment used is reliable and easy to maintain.
We work not only in Kyiv and the region, but also in the Western regions: Rivne, Khmelnytskyi, Uzhgorod, Lviv and other cities of Ukraine.
We also cooperate with other countries: Uzbekistan (Tashkent, Andijan, Namangan), Tajikistan (Dushanbe, Khujand, Bokhtar), Azerbaijan (Baku, Ganja), Kazakhstan (Alma-Ata, Nur-Sultan, Shymkent, Aktobe, Karaganda).
The design of heating for houses and apartments has almost no differences. The difference is only in the amount of work required.
The design of the climate system consists of the following stages:
More details about the above points, you can read above in the section “REQUIRED STAGES”.
Yes, it is necessary to have it. The design of heating systems is an integral part of the implementation, regardless of the type of system.
The price of a heating project for a private house, not only in Kyiv, but also throughout Ukraine, depends on the area of your house or apartment. Accordingly, the larger the area, the higher the price. The design cost is 150 UAH per m².
You can order a heating system design service from Alter Air by calling 0 800 33 08 28 or by leaving a request on the website.
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