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Supply ventilation: system design, solution options

Properly organized ventilation in a house or apartment is a guarantee of high-quality air exchange and, accordingly, the well-being of all family members. When solving the problem of organizing supply ventilation, it is necessary to consider many important factors that directly affect its operation. This is a very painstaking process, which consists of the following steps:
technical calculations;
selection of equipment;
installation of the system, etc.
It is almost impossible to organize a high-quality, durable and efficient supply for an apartment without the help of qualified specialists. If you deal with this issue on your own, then issues may arise: damage to the design, improperly selected equipment, inefficient ventilation (insufficient air supply), noise, drafts and much more.
Alter Air will provide you with a full package of services for organizing a ventilation system: from design and calculations to installation of the system and further maintenance.
Insufficient amount of fresh air has an extremely negative effect on a person's well-being. If you spend a lot of time in a stuffy room, most likely you will encounter sleep disorders, loss of concentration and productivity, headaches and other ailments. Fresh air is the key to good health.
Supply ventilation is a climate system that performs the function of supplying fresh air from the street into the room. In addition, depending on the selected equipment, it can filter and heat the air. Ventilation is primarily responsible for indoor air quality. The main task of the system is to provide the optimal amount of air for residents.
A natural ventilation system is the most budget option. In the past, this type of ventilation was very popular. The natural system is implemented naturally, due to the temperature difference (outdoors and indoors) and thanks to exhaust ventilation ducts, wooden windows, doors, cracks and leaks in the building structure.
In the modern world, when constructing a building, special attention is paid to energy saving, which allows minimizing energy consumption in the future (for example, gas or electricity for heating). Thus, the building has sealed windows, thermal insulation of external walls, construction materials with low thermal conductivity, etc. In other words, the house becomes like a thermos and prevents the flow of air. Ventilating the room by opening windows is not the best option. Noise, insects, dust and other pollutants get in with the outdoor air. In addition, depending on the time of year, cold or heat comes in. This negatively affects the comfort of the people living there and puts a strain on the heating/cooling system.
By itself, natural ventilation does not always cope with the task of supplying the right amount of air for a person, so experts recommend using additional devices and mechanisms. One of these types of equipment is a supply valve. The device is wall mounted and can be adjusted manually or automatically. However, it is worth noting that natural ventilation cannot supply the optimal amount of air for a person, even if an air supply valve is used.
Forced ventilation involves the use of special equipment that provides fresh air.
Using a mechanical ventilation system would be the right decision from a technical standpoint. This mechanism, depending on the selected model, will allow to:
regulate the supply of fresh air and its distribution throughout the room;
filter the air coming from the street;
reduce the load on the heating system by heating the supply air.
The supply of street air is carried out in “clean” areas – these are the rooms where a person spends the most time, for example: a living room, a bedroom, a nursery, an office, etc.
For forced ventilation in an apartment, you can use the following devices:
The supply valve is a budget ventilation device for the flow of air from the street into the house. The advantages of this option are ease of installation, low cost and the ability to install even after renovation. The device itself is a pipe with a thermostatic valve.
The basic model of a supply valve consists of:
external and internal grille;
air duct, which is mounted in the wall.
The operation of the supply valve is directly proportional to the external temperature. This means that when the temperature drops, the valve closes slightly, and when it rises, it opens slightly. Thus, the change in the valve cross-section occurs in the range from +10 degrees to -5 degrees:
at +10°C the valve is fully open;
At -5°C, the device closes completely and the air supply stops.
These air supply valves work without a mechanical element (fan) and they cannot cope with the supply of the required amount of air. For the effective operation of this equipment, it is necessary to provide a forced exhaust in the apartment. Air extraction is implemented with exhaust fans which are installed in "dirty areas" (a bathroom, a toilet, a dressing room).
Alter Air offers to use exhaust fans from the German brand Meltem. The manufacturer provides silent fans with a maximum airflow of 60 or 100 m3/h.
Supply ventilation in the apartment can be implemented in two ways:
modular system;
monobloc supply ventilation system.
A monobloc ventilation system is a single casing in which all of the above devices are already assembled. Among the monobloc supply devices, two types can be distinguished:
Primary view of the future system.
During the first consultation at the Alter Air office, our specialists receive technical information about the accommodation. Further, the wishes and price limits of the client are discussed. Having learned all the points, we will provide the first idea about the future ventilation project.
Preparation of a plan (scheme) of the ventilation system.
Based on the information received, our engineers proceed to the design phase. When creating a drawing, exhaust ventilation from “dirty areas” (bathroom, dressing room, shower room) is also provided.
Design must be carried out at the stage of construction or reconstruction of the apartment.
Several device options for different budgets.
When the specialists already know all the technical information about the project, listened to all the wishes of the client and carried out the necessary technical calculations, the equipment is selected.
This is an important step, since the cost and quality of the ventilation system directly depend on the selected device. We always offer several equipment options to choose from, from trusted manufacturers.
Project implementation by highly qualified specialists.
According to the drawn up project, the ventilation system is being installed. It suggests:
installation of an air duct system, electrics and automation, ventilation equipment and additional elements (for example, air distributors);
repair work;
system start.
Alter Air also provides installation services. An integrated approach to the implementation of the ventilation system allows you to make it durable and of high quality.
Start-up and verification of the implemented ventilation system.
After installation, the start-up and verification of the correct operation of the ventilation system is carried out. With proper design and installation, problems with the operation of the ventilation unit will not arise.
Checking and repairing equipment.
Ventilation equipment, like any other equipment, requires regular maintenance for long lasting and efficient operation.
Alter Air provides services not only for regular maintenance of climate systems, but also for emergency ones.
The calculation of the required volume of supplied air implies two methods of calculation:
1. by air exchange rate;
2. by the number of people.
The method of calculation by air exchange rate characterizes the change of air per unit of time. This calculation takes into account the height of the walls and the area of the room.
Let’s look at a room with an area of 25m² and a ceiling height of 3m and calculate the required air volume using the formula:
L=n×S×H, where
L - the required amount of air;
n - air exchange rate, selected according to Construction Norms & Regulations, depending on the type of room. For optimal conditions n=0.6.
S - room area, S = 25 m²;
H - ceiling height, H = 3 m.
L = 0.6 × 25 × 3 = 45 m3/h.
So, in one hour, 45 m3 / hour of air must be supplied to such a room.
This calculation takes into account the number of people living in the room and, according to Construction Norms & Regulations, the required amount of fresh air per person is taken into account.
For an optimal level of comfort - 25 m3/hour for 1 person.
For increased comfort - 36 m3/hour for 1 person.
If the bedroom is designed for two people, then, for conditions with increased comfort, it is necessary to supply 72 m3/h of air.
Let us consider an apartment where a family of four lives and calculate the required amount of air for the living room.
The living room is the place where the whole family gathers. Accordingly, in the calculation we will take into account the number of all residents (4 people). Now we find out the required air volume 4 × 36 = 144 m3 / h.
Supply ventilation unit Systemair TLP 315/6.0 costs 68,000 UAH (maximum capacity - 860 m³/h)
The cost of Systemair TLP 200/3.0 is 42,000 UAH (maximum air consumption is 518 m³/h).
The ventilation system before installation must already be designed. To proceed with the installation, it is necessary to understand where the equipment itself will be located and how the air ducts will be laid out. It is also necessary to understand in which rooms the air is supplied and in which it is extracted. The operation of the entire system will depend on the installation in the future, so it is important that the work is performed by qualified workers. To organize high-quality supply ventilation, it is better to choose a company that deals with both installation and design.
Alter Air provides a full package of services, from consultation and design, to installation and commissioning of the system.
After the design, the installation of the system is carried out strictly according to the drawing.
System installation steps:
First, a hole is cut in the wall to take air from the street. Next, the following is installed:
grille adapter;
backdraft damper;
air duct to the ventilation unit;
ventilation equipment;
air duct system to rooms where air needs to be supplied.
throttle valves, for adjusting the ventilation system.
If we talk about supply ventilation, the Alter Air company is engaged in the sale and installation of breathers and supply valves.
Our experts are always ready to advise you and help with the choice and installation of equipment.
Air supply units are practically not installed today, since they are not energy efficient. It takes too much electricity to heat the air, and then all the heat is thrown out with the help of exhaust fans in the bathrooms to the street.
We solve the problem of microclimate in a house, starting from ventilation, air conditioning, heating and ending with humidification and air purification. We make sure that all systems interact productively with each other and at the same time do not consume a lot of energy in order to save your costs. In our work, we are like a family doctor - we treat your home, analyze a problem, offer solutions to it, and not just sell pills like a pharmacist in a pharmacy.
Natural ventilation is more affordable in terms of price. However, is it enough for high-quality air exchange?
With natural ventilation, the circulation of air masses occurs naturally due to exhaust ventilation ducts, open windows, doors and vents, and various cracks in the building structure. This method was successful in the past. However, now, a modern house has high-quality thermal insulation and this prevents natural air exchange.
Opening the windows, you create discomfort in the room (heat or cold comes in, depending on the time of year), opening the window is not always enough to saturate the room with the right amount of fresh air. In addition, the lack of oxygen has a negative impact on the human body. Such problems may appear: insomnia, anxiety, decreased productivity, headaches, etc.
Therefore, it is worth taking care of your health and providing for the organization of supply and exhaust ventilation.
Alter Air does not recommend using these options. A supply valve is inefficient, and a supply unit is too costly to operate and also not energy efficient.
However, if you are caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, then it is better to install a breather or a supply unit.
Supply ventilation is installed in technical rooms horizontally under the ceiling. It is necessary to provide an inspection hatch so that there is access to the mechanism of the unit.
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Сергей МазурИнженер-проектировщик
Sergiiy Mazur
Альтер эйр, вы делаете мою жизнь лучше, и за это вам спасибо)! Благодаря вам у меня дома есть бойлер, увлажнитель и обогреватель) А теперь будет бризер, Надеюсь, как всегда поможете выбрать найкращий)
Я доволен решением о приобретении вентиляции от компании Альтер Эйр . После установки наша квартира стала ощутимо свежее и комфортнее. Особенно оценил возможность регулирования скорости и направления воздуха. Стоимость зависит от модели и размера. Стоит того, чтобы иметь свежий и здоровый воздух в доме. Кроме этого, компания дает полный пакет услуг для организации системы вентиляции: начиная от проектирования и расчетов, заканчивая установкой системы.
Команда Alter Air
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