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Design of water purification systems

Apartment water treatment system is a process of improving the quality of water coming from a natural source so that it meets the sanitary and hygienic standards or requirements of the customer.
The above process is a whole system that combines a set of measures aimed at purifying water from the content of harmful impurities, reducing hardness. They remove bacteria, viruses, harmful impurities, salts and other substances that adversely affect the quality of water used. It can be said that water treatment and purification systems make water suitable for consumption.
The well-being and health of a person directly depend on the level of comfort in the room. First of all, the microclimate parameters have an impact. We are responsible for each of them, implementing turnkey climatic systems. We offer you to watch a video review of the facility where the engineering systems were implemented.
An efficient system that suits all room parameters
Designing allows you to calculate and visually create the system as accurately as possible. A complete package of design documentation includes drawings with diagrams, plans, precise calculations and indications of the dimensions and location of the ventilation system elements. The project also contains a specification, a task for builders, electricians, plumbers and a feasibility study for the choice of equipment. This will make the result accurate and technically sound.
Aesthetics and productivity of a climate system are result of common work
Coordination with interior designers and architects is an important part of making a system that is not only effective but also aesthetically pleasing. Constant contact with designers will also speed up the implementation process - no party will redo their projects and waste their time, and the client will get the best result.
Interaction with "subcontractors" (installers, builders, electricians)
The facility often employs several specialists or companies, each of which has its own area of responsibility. But all zones are most often connected to each other. Alter Air provides specifications and tasks for related specialists, which are in one way or another related to the implementation of our climate systems. This allows you to avoid stagnation in the work process and achieve a better result.
Complex projects for several systems - saving time and nerves
The Alter Air team includes specialists from all climatic areas - ventilation, air conditioning, heating, water purification and water treatment, etc. This allows you to create complex systems projects and integrate systems into each other. This approach is an absolute advantage of our company, because the client can get the implementation of all climatic systems in one company.
The ability to clearly plan the budget for the climate system
Designing will allow you to see the exact estimate before the start of installation work, you can choose a system within the strict limits of the allocated budget. Alter Air offers the client several financial variations of the system in order to choose the most comfortable and suitable one. With the package of documentation, the client will receive a clear understanding of the cost of the project in order to be able to plan their expenses.
We are happy to jointly conduct projects with organizations and self-employed specialists, recommend you to our clients and help with the outsourced engineering part. Additionally, we invite you to attend seminars of the "Engineering in Design" series, where we show by examples how to correctly implement engineering systems in the interiors of end customers.
Become a partnerThe water purification system can remove chlorine, heavy metals (iron, etc., which increase hardness), hydrogen sulphide (the cause of unpleasant odors), manganese and other "unnecessary" substances from drinking water, disinfect and, if desired, demineralize water, and prevent the growth of fungi.
How this happens, we tell separately in stages.
By contacting our company to install a water treatment and purification system, you will receive:
Realized objects will tell about our work best of all
There are no two completely identically designed water treatment systems, because each house, apartment, their planning, the requirements of the owners - individual. Therefore, it is difficult to give ready-made prices at once.
We name the approximate cost of design after discussing the basic requirements and wishes of the client. This can be done by phone, but ideally - at the meeting, where our engineers will be able to offer a solution immediately.
Please note that when ordering the design of our water supply and sewerage, the design of the water treatment system is prepared free of charge.
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Сергей МазурИнженер-проектировщик
Sergiiy Mazur
Установил систему водоочистки, результат меня порадовал. Качество воды совершенно изменилось, в сравнении со старой системой. Делали замеры воды до и после установки, результаты кардинально отличаются.