4, Teremkivska street, Kyiv (Respublika RC)
1 month
2 weeks
1 week
According to the design project, the apartment has a combined kitchen-living room. We have divided this space into supply and exhaust zones. Above the cooking zone, we laid an air duct with a diameter of 150 mm for the air exhaust system, that is, a kitchen hood. An exhaust diffuser is located nearby, which takes out exhaust air from the entire kitchen area. Our specialists have placed a supply line with a linear black diffuser in order for fresh air to enter the leisure area.
Engineers have chosen a ventilation unit from the German manufacturer MAICO WS for the project. The unit is placed in a laundry room on a special frame with a vibration damper, which absorbs unnecessary noise during its operation. In the upper part of the unit there are 4 air ducts: 2 for supply air and 2 for air intake. All air ducts are equipped with sound attenuators. For protection of the unit we place Belimo servomotors on two air ducts. Their aim is to open the air damper when the unit is turned on and close when it is turned off. Even with a small amount of free space we have managed to place a horizontal wall-mounted boiler in the laundry room. For the air exhaust specialists have designed a 40 cm exhaust diffuser.
Considering the restrictions of the developer, we have placed the intake and outlet grilles on the loggia. We hid the air ducts that go from the ventilation unit to the grilles in the ceiling space and in the column on the wall, making them invisible in the interior.
For this project we have planned a classic wall-mounted air conditioning system. Our specialists completed the preparatory work which consists in laying communications for the future air conditioning system. This is done in order not to damage the fine finish in the future, when installing the air conditioner. Therefore, the laying of communications for air conditioning system should always be planned in advance.
In order to implement a ventilation system we have chosen a supply and exhaust unit Maico WS 320 KВET. It is equipped with an enthalpic recuperator which makes possible a save of heat and humidity. Such systems lowers the load on the heating system and humidifies the supply air flow with the moisture from the exhaust air.
In spite of its small size, Maico WS 320 KВET is characterized by high performance rate. It provides up to 320 m³ of fresh air per hour and has low noise characteristics.
The control of the unit is also quite convenient. You can use temperature and humidity sensors and install the free AirHome mobile app.
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Sergiiy Mazur