Heating with an electric boiler: installation options

Heating with an electric boiler is one of the most popular options for a private house heating system. An electric boiler can also heat apartments in apartment buildings.
However, before you decide that this method is right for you, let's discuss the factors that affect the thermal comfort of your home.
Building construction plays the main. Any person who built their own house tried to influence on this factor: choosing the best materials the person could afford, insulated foundation, walls, and roof.
When buying an apartment, we also pay attention to what building materials, insulation, double-glazed windows the developer uses.
Along with the building construction, it is important to correctly build a ventilation system. Here we are less dependent on the construction company and almost always can change it at our discretion.
Options of the ventilation system are different – from natural ventilation to supply and exhaust ventilation.
With natural ventilation, clean air enters through open windows and is drawn out through the ventilation ducts by centrifugal or axial fans. This option heavily loads an electric boiler used for heating, since it is necessary to heat the cold incoming air.
The most affordable way to organize forced ventilation is breathers. These are supply units that are installed in each room of the so-called “clean” zone (in living areas – a bedroom, a living room, an office, a nursery). In these rooms an airflow is injected, the exhaust air is extracted through toilets, bathrooms, dressing rooms (“dirty” zone). The breathers contain filters, electric tubular heating elements that heat the incoming air to a comfortable temperature. However, this heated air is still extracted, which makes the system not energy-efficient enough.
Supply and exhaust ventilation with heat recovery is the system with the highest energy efficiency. Each cubic meter of air that passes through the recuperator gives off heat to its cold side, and sometimes also moisture (if it is an enthalpy recuperator), due to which passive humidification is carried out.
Such ventilation does not load the heating system with an electric boiler in a private house or apartment as much as the first two options.
Thus, when selecting equipment, engineers will rely on these two factors – design and ventilation. They are responsible for the heat loss and, ultimately, the energy efficiency of your home.
In Ukraine, heating with gas became expensive and impractical long time ago. The main advantage of an electric boiler over a gas boiler is the financial aspect.
Until 2022, Ukrainians were encouraged to use electricity for heating. All homeowners who did not have gas on the plot could receive 3,000 kilowatt-hours for electric heating at a reduced rate (with a 50% discount). Heating with an electric boiler made the use of a night tariff even more profitable.
At the beginning of this year, this provision was canceled, but we hope that it will not be for long, and the benefit will be returned. The situation with the war has radically changed priorities: now it is imprudent and dangerous to rely on Russian gas. However, the powerful branches of nuclear and hydropower in Ukraine make it possible to rely on electric heating.
Not all types of electric boilers can be classified as high-tech equipment. We consider it inappropriate to use electrode boilers and equipment with induction heating.
It is the classic electric boilers with tubular heating elements that Alter Air offers its customers. The heating element is located in the body of such a boiler, heating water for hot water supply and heating.
The electrical resistance of water is capable of generating heat. In the electrode boiler, electricity is converted into heat as a result of heating the water in the heating system. When the boiler is turned off, the heating of the heat carrier continues for some time.
The induction electric boiler has a coil for creating an alternating electromagnetic field, a heat exchanger, an electrical cabinet and conductors for the inlet and outlet of the heat exchanger. When an alternating current passes through the coil, its electrical energy is converted into thermal energy of the conductor in the field of the coil. Further, the conductor is used as a heating element of the heating system.
What parameters must be considered to have correct heating with the electric boiler?
The device heats water with a heating element. This water can be transported to any part of the house or to any source of heat underfloor heating, radiator, an in-floor convector and boiler.
Up to 6 kilowatts, all electric boilers are single-phase, more than 6 kW – three-phase.
An important element of the device is the so-called triple valve. It switches the operating modes between the heating system and DHW.
First of all, the electric boiler, to which the aqua kit is connected, heats the hot water tank, and then the heating system, which is inert and cools for a long time. The need for water is initial, in addition, in 30-40 minutes, while the boiler is providing hot water supply, the house will not cool down.
The electric boiler can be equipped with separate modules, which will significantly increase its technological effectiveness.
The first such module is weather dependence. After installing it, the outdoor temperature sensor will choose what temperature to supply to the house. For example, at +6℃ outdoors, water is supplied with a temperature of +26℃ for heating. At -22℃ according to Construction Norms & Regulations - +60℃.
The second module is an independent zone temperature source that allows you to set the necessary temperature levels in different rooms. This separate module makes the operation of the electric boiler smarter. For example, in the evening in the bedroom the system will maintain +19℃, and in the morning it will warm up to +22℃.
The system will then lower the temperature in the bedroom and raise the temperature in the room you are moving into. Temperature calibration in each zone saves energy consumption.
Electricity consumption depends on two factors. Firstly, the lower the temperature outside, the more electricity will be consumed. Secondly, the lower the supply temperature to the radiator, the lower the electricity consumption.
The ideal task is to provide low-temperature heating with an electric boiler, and thus consume energy efficiently.
If the boiler is initially designed as a low-temperature device, you can change it to more high-tech equipment – for example, an air-to-water heat pump.
This perspective provides even more efficient energy consumption. Energy conversion efficiency of the heat pump – 1:3, electric boiler – 1:1.
Let's just say that such a system has long become an anachronism.
Natural circulation occurs when the pipe runs at an angle, hot water rises and cold water is pushed out. This process really happens naturally, without third-party mechanisms, pumps. However, this burns a huge amount of electricity or gas.
The connection of an electric boiler is carried out according to different schemes, depending on the type of heating system.
Currently, we are considering only forced circulation, in which the pump quickly transports water and also quickly removes heat from the tubular heating element.
An electric boiler, as a source of heat generation, is connected to such a system and provides space heating and hot water supply.
The heat carrier is supplied to the heat exchanger, where heat is given off, and cooler water goes back to the electric boiler.
In this scheme, hot water will always be a priority, and only then – heating the house with an electric boiler will take place.
As practice shows, not all combined systems are good, especially if important engineering details are missing during their miscalculation. However, there are also positive examples.
For example, for a house with an area of 300 m2, it is not advisable to use an electric boiler - electricity bills will be huge. Such a house can be heated with gas during the day, and at night, when the “night” tariff is in effect, the temperature can be maintained by the boiler.
In addition, an electric boiler can be an auxiliary element of a heating system with an air-to-water heat pump. At -7℃, the energy conversion efficiency of the heat pump drops and its use leads to wearing of the compressor. Such weather rarely happens, the average winter temperature in Ukraine is +6 ℃. The electric boiler helps with low temperatures that last for several days.
The collectors of the electric boiler have outlets to radiators, convectors and underfloor heating.
An underfloor heating is a radiator with a low temperature. The more energy efficient the house, the lower the heat loss in it, the more time it takes to maintain the temperature of a sufficiently warm floor. As a rule, at -10℃ and below, the underfloor heating is no longer enough. Heat loss per square meter is 50-60 W, while the underfloor heating at a surface temperature of no more than + 26 ℃ compensates for about 45 W.
There are two options here. You can increase the surface temperature, but then it will be unpleasant for you to walk on a hot floor. If it gets warmer outside, it will be hot at home because inertia acts, and the floor needs time to cool down. To cool the room faster – you have to open the windows.
A more correct engineering solution is to install radiators that will turn on when necessary – when underfloor heating cannot cope with the heating function on its own.
The heat accumulator works according to the following principle: it accumulates cheap energy in the tank (at night at the “night” tariff), and when the tariff rises, it takes energy from there.
This method is appropriate to use where there is always a large excess of heat – for example, in hydroelectric power plants. These surpluses should not be thrown away, but they should heat nearby houses through heat exchangers.
Is it rational to use a heat accumulator in the domestic segment? Judge for yourself.
To accumulate enough energy for a house of 100 m2, you need a capacity of up to six tons (6 cubic meters = 6000 liters). Then you will spend another 12-13 hour to “take the temperature” from there.
We are inclined to believe that such a scenario will not be to your liking.
In Ukraine, there are fixed night and day tariffs for electricity for household needs.
At night, when electricity consumption is minimal, nuclear power plants cannot “sleep” – they continue to generate electricity. To encourage users to use it, a “night tariff” has been created with a lower cost of electricity. Heating with an electric boiler is also cheaper.
From 7 am to 11 pm, you pay 100% of the current rate. When consuming up to 250 kWh – 1.44 UAH, and when consuming more than 250 kWh – 1.68 UAH;
From 23:00 to 07:00 — 50% of the tariff. Up to 250 kWh – 0.72 UAH, and with consumption over 250–0.84 UAH.
In almost any scenario, an electric boiler is an inexpensive solution.
The cost-effectiveness or luxury of different options will depend on the configuration: the availability of weather dependence, zone calibration, the brand of the electric boiler and buffer tanks, the material of the boiler room (copper, polypropylene or metal-plastic).
The price of the equipment of the Ukrainian manufacturer is 5000-7000 hryvnias, the German one is 600-700 euros.
Among the manufacturers of boilers (with a different number of circuits) that we can recommend are Volta, Protherm, Viessmann, Valliant.
For piping, we recommend using Uponor or Rehau cross-linked polyurethane.
Option | Description |
A low-cost option | Often, when the cost of the project is reduced, customers try to choose low-cost materials for pipes. However, we always warn about the consequences. For example, polypropylene is a low quality raw material. If the polypropylene pipe breaks through, you will have to groove the wall. Therefore, even if you are limited in budget, do not save on the pipeline. Replacing radiators, manifold, and other visible elements does not cause such problems. |
Medium option | In the mid-range price segment, you can afford weather-dependent equipment and a zone calibration module, which significantly increase comfort. |
Premium | Premium in this situation may represent a transitional option on the way to installing an energy-efficient heat pump. How to prepare for it? Implement an engineering solution with a low-temperature regime. It may include full coverage of underfloor heating, and further – the use of fan coil units instead of radiators. |
A low-cost option
A low-cost option
Medium option
Medium option
A low-cost option
Often, when the cost of the project is reduced, customers try to choose low-cost materials for pipes. However, we always warn about the consequences. For example, polypropylene is a low quality raw material. If the polypropylene pipe breaks through, you will have to groove the wall. Therefore, even if you are limited in budget, do not save on the pipeline. Replacing radiators, manifold, and other visible elements does not cause such problems.
Medium option
In the mid-range price segment, you can afford weather-dependent equipment and a zone calibration module, which significantly increase comfort.
Premium in this situation may represent a transitional option on the way to installing an energy-efficient heat pump. How to prepare for it? Implement an engineering solution with a low-temperature regime. It may include full coverage of underfloor heating, and further – the use of fan coil units instead of radiators.
Self-selection without professional calculation can lead to errors that will be difficult to correct. Contact the experts – they will help you find the right solution.
You can choose a boiler of any class and type, but it is better if it is weather-dependent equipment. It is also important to correctly build the concept of using an electric boiler: maintain a low-temperature regime, create maximum coverage with underfloor heating and provide water supply to radiators or in-floor convectors with a temperature of no more than 60℃, intake – no more than 40℃.
The cost of heating with an electric boiler for a country house or apartment will depend on many factors, primarily on the building construction (the energy efficiency of the materials used in construction). In addition, the cost of space heating depends on the type of ventilation, which provides greater or lesser heat loss.
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