Heat pump installation

In the world of energy-saving technologies, a heat pump is the optimal solution for autonomous heating of housing. The equipment uses the energy of natural sources: water, air or earth. It is the standard of efficiency and environmental friendliness. Due to the use of alternative types of energy, the heat pump consumes a minimum amount of electricity, which significantly reduces the cost of monthly payments. However, for the high-quality operation of this system, in addition to high-quality equipment, a professional installation of a heat pump is necessary.
The use of a heat pump for household needs in the home is gaining more and more popularity among consumers. Heat pumps are of two types:
With the right calculation and choice of the type of equipment, you implement a high-quality microclimate for your home.
Compared to gas and electric boilers, a heat pump performs more than just a heating function. It is also cost-effective and very efficient equipment because it uses low-grade heat from unlimited energy sources. For an air source heat pump it is air, for a geothermal pump, it is water or earth.
The device does not depend on gas supply. This will save you on gas connection.
The equipment simultaneously performs several functions: Cooling. Room heating. Hot water supply.
An air heat pump, consuming 1 kW of electricity, “gives off” 3 kW of heat, and a geothermal heat pump – 5 kW.
No emissions into the environment and the use of alternative energy sources.
The installation of heat pumps is a complex process that is difficult to perform without certain technical and practical skills. The lack of the ability to competently implement a design solution drawn up by an engineer is fraught with poor-quality operation of the heating system or its breakdown.
Installing a heat pump is a key step to ensure comfortable conditions in your home. A properly selected and installed heat pump will provide the required air temperature throughout the year. Since the device can work both for heating and for cooling.
Proper installation of a heat pump includes the installation of a boiler room, indoor and outdoor units. This process is a fairly large amount of work on the installation of equipment and laying communications (for example, pipelines). The installation of a heat pump requires not only a well-calculated project, but also the high professionalism of the installation team.
In addition to the direct installation of a heat pump, it is required to lay pipelines, install a hot water tank (hot water supply), shutoff valves, circulation pumps and other equipment.
It is much more convenient when the entire package of services is performed by one company, from design to installation, commissioning and further maintenance of the heat pump.
Alter Air specialists implement high-quality work of an air source heat pump (air-to-air or air-to-water) considering your wishes and building codes of Ukraine. We are fully responsible for the design and for high-quality efficient installation; we carry out the project from beginning to end, saving you time.
Heat pump installation stages:
laying the Freon line;
installation of indoor and outdoor units;
Turnkey pump installation involves the implementation of a range of services:
further service maintenance of the heat pump;
At the first professional consultation in our office in Kyiv, the client understands the approximate concept of a future heating system based on a heat pump. The system is selected based on the technical characteristics of the house, considering the wishes and budget of the customer.
The complex installation of an air source heat pump includes not only the installation of outdoor and indoor units, but also the laying of pipelines, the installation of a hot water tank (hot water supply), shutoff valves, circulation pumps, a storage tank and other equipment.
The piping of a heat pump for a classic facility will cost approximately UAH 200,000, not including the cost for the unit itself and the hot water tank.
With proper installation and proper use, an air source heat pump will be a profitable investment and will pay back in 10 years.
For a quick payback, you need to use all the features of a heat pump:
room cooling;
heating of water for hot water supply.
In addition, it must be considered that the heat pump operates at a low temperature of the heat carrier. For efficient operation of the heating system, it is necessary to cover 100% of the area of the house with underfloor heating and use fan coil units as a backup source of heat during the heating season.
A fan coil is a piece of equipment that is used to cool or heat a room. With such a device, you do not have to pay extra for the additional installation of an air conditioning system.
To install a heat pump, it is necessary to ensure the energy efficiency of the house: a building design with low thermal conductivity and thermal insulation, install high-quality double-glazed windows; organize supply and exhaust ventilation with heat recovery to avoid heat losses and heat gains during ventilation, depending on the season.
Alter Air has been developing climate systems for 13 years.
Thus, our company has enough advantages:
A wide range of products for the customer.
Cooperation only with high-quality and trusted manufacturers.
Professional consultation with a discussion of all the nuances and issues.
Complex selection of equipment, high-quality installation and after installation service.
Warranty obligations.
We solve the problem of microclimate in a house, starting from ventilation, air conditioning, heating and ending with humidification and air purification. We make sure that all systems interact productively with each other and at the same time do not consume a lot of energy in order to save your costs. In our work, we are like a family doctor - we treat your home, analyze a problem, offer solutions to it, and not just sell pills like a pharmacist in a pharmacy.
The price, including installation, of a heat pump depends primarily on the type of equipment chosen. Therefore, a turnkey geothermal heat pump will cost much more than air. Since, for its installation, more work is required, for example: drilling wells, laying collectors and probes into the ground, etc.
Complex installation of an air-to-water heat pump will cost approximately UAH 200,000.
You can find out what exactly affects the price above in the article.
We do not recommend installing heat pumps yourself unless you are an engineer and installer. Poor installation can lead to the malfunction of expensive equipment.
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