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For a long time, house ventilation was a natural process. It happened with the help of the airflow that passed through the gaps of the windows or aeration. The air intake was carried out through ventilation ducts. However, nowadays there are issues with this process caused by noise, dust, and other pollution that pass with the air through an open window. Moreover, in the wintertime, cold wind enters the living space causing not only discomfort but also additional load on the heating system. A similar situation happens in summer – hot air coming from the street loads an air conditioning system and causes additional financial charges.
Construction trends are now focused on low energy consumption. With utility prices rising steadily, people are trying to make their homes as energy efficient as possible to reduce heating or cooling costs. One of the main aspects that must be taken into account is the heat loss of the room. It depends on the quality and the amount of glass-covered area, the insulation of the apartment, wall thickness, etc. This factor also depends on the ventilation in the apartment.
Modern ventilation systems can not only ensure proper airflow in the house, remove excess moisture and unwanted odors, but also help to save on heating. For this reason, it is necessary to choose ventilation equipment with a recuperator. Why is a recuperator necessary? Because without it, the ventilation equipment lowers the temperature of the exhaust air and blows cold air which must be heated again. Heat recuperators are installed to avoid such unjustified financial waste.
High-quality airflow in accordance with norms
Ventilation ensures high-quality airflow in the room: air supply to living areas, exhaust intake from “industrial” areas.
Heat reuse saves costs
Recuperation retains the heat of the taken air and transfers it to the supplied air, reducing energy consumption for heating.
Two-way air purification – in the room and before recuperator
The ventilation system ensures the supply of clean air without unwanted bacteria and allergens. Most air handling units are equipped with F7 class fine filters. To ensure the long-term operation of the recuperator and prevent clogging, a coarser filter of class G4 is also installed for the exhaust air.
The moisture in the room is recovered in the heat exchanger
When using an enthalpy recuperator, the ventilation system can retain not only heat but also moisture in the room.
There are two approaches to achieve perfect air quality
We use 2 approaches for ventilation design: calculation based on the number of people and calculation based on air quality
Recuperation is the return of energy for reuse. In the context of the ventilation system, recuperation is the reuse of heat, which is taken from the intake air and transferred to the supplied air. This process is made with a heat exchanger so-called recuperator.
Below we will explain in further detail what a recuperator is, its types, and operation basics.
The best method of heat (and moist) recuperation is through the ventilation system. There are several options available depending on the budget, renovation stage, and operation.
Below we describe the air handling units with heat recuperation, their operation method, and how to choose the necessary equipment for your home (more information is available in the pop-up):
Of course, it is problematic to install a full-fledged centralized supply and exhaust ventilation system when house renovation is complete, since the installation of the air ducts will require repair work.
A decentralized ventilation system based on Meltem, Zehnder, Maico, Mitsubishi Electric, Soler & Palau units is an optimal solution when the renovation work is complete, but creating a healthy microclimate with air recuperation in the apartment is necessary.
Heat recuperation ventilation system with a Maico – PushPull device
The supply and exhaust devices with Maico - PushPull heat recuperator with exhaust fans for the bathroom (usually installed in the kitchen and bathroom) - are an optimal solution when renovation work is complete but creating a healthy microclimate with air recuperation is necessary. As a standard, these devices operate in pairs (two units are located in adjacent rooms): one of them is for air supply, and the second is for air discharge, after a certain time they swap functionality. When the exhaust fan starts working in the bathroom or the kitchen, the air handling units begin to operate on the inflow method, compensating for the reclaimed air volume. Air movement around the apartment is performed using a non-threshold system.
Each unit is wall-mounted and has a maximum capacity of 45 m3/h, which is optimal for two people staying in the room. The built-in heat recuperator with an efficiency of 84% allows to create an optimal air exchange process and save costs on additional heating of the rooms.
The price ventilation system with recuperation depends on the factors listed below:
Therefore, it is possible to calculate the exact cost of ventilation only after the design is complete.
The selection of equipment depends on the chosen ventilation system: decentralized or centralized. For decentralized ventilation, it is recommended to use equipment from the following manufacturers: Meltem, Zehnder, Maico, Mitsubishi Electriс.
A centralized ventilation system can be assembled with the following equipment: Jablotron (with CO2 sensors and VAV valves for variable air supply), Meltem, Systemair, Zehnder, Salda, Maico.
An air recuperation system is needed at any time of the year, but it will operate more efficiently in winter due to the difference between the temperature outside and inside the house. Ventilation with a heat recuperator will keep the home warm and reduce the load on the heating system.
Where should the recuperation ventilation system be located?
Heat recuperation ventilation units can be installed vertically and horizontally. Vertical installation involves placing equipment in the technical rooms of the house or integrating it into furniture, for example, in wardrobes.
Horizontal installation involves placing equipment under the ceiling. The disadvantage of the horizontal installation is the complexity of equipment installation in technical rooms. Most often, technical rooms have a small area, therefore it is difficult to properly organize the installation of air ducts within such space. It is impossible to sharply curve the air duct, since this will lead to high noise during air circulation.
The air ventilation is becoming more and more necessary while the modern apartments’ tightness increases. Opening windows cannot provide high-quality ventilation, therefore centralized or decentralized ventilation systems are becoming more demanded. Centralized ventilation systems with heat recuperators are practical engineering solution for houses and apartments. A recuperator for an apartment or a house is selected depending on the system, in most cases, it is integrated directly into the ventilation unit. The return of 90% or more of heat energy together with the supply air reduces the load of the heating system during the cold season. Based on this, air recuperation does not cool the air at home, but retains most of the heat inside it. At the same time, the operation of the air handling unit guarantees a fresh and healthy microclimate in a house. Such a system is cost-efficient but it does not compromise the quality of air exchange in the room in any.
Air handling units are manufactured with different types of recuperators. Each has a number of advantages, but the most popular are the highly efficient plate-type recuperators. They are designed to transfer as much heat as possible from the exhaust air.
Ventilation with recuperation is a combination of energy-efficient and high-quality air exchange.
Alter Air provides a high-quality consultation on choosing and purchasing a recuperator. Our engineers will advise you on installing recuperation in an apartment or house.
Please call 0-800-33-08-28 or leave a request on the website for a consultation.
See more completed projects with recuperation from our specialists:
We solve the problem of microclimate in a house, starting from ventilation, air conditioning, heating and ending with humidification and air purification. We make sure that all systems interact productively with each other and at the same time do not consume a lot of energy in order to save your costs. In our work, we are like a family doctor - we treat your home, analyze a problem, offer solutions to it, and not just sell pills like a pharmacist in a pharmacy.
We are happy to jointly conduct projects with organizations and self-employed specialists, recommend you to our clients and help with the outsourced engineering part. Additionally, we invite you to attend seminars of the "Engineering in Design" series, where we show by examples how to correctly implement engineering systems in the interiors of end customers.
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