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Turnkey water treatment and water purification

First and foremost, it must be noted that the current ecological situation doesn’t allow us to obtain high-quality and most importantly clean water. Unfortunately, in most cases, the water is not only polluted but also unsafe. This is why water filtration for a private house is necessary, especially for houses where water from wells is unsuitable for drinking due to the abundance of harmful elements such as nitrates, manganese, ammonium, etc.
In the case of an apartment, nothing is simple either. Since tap water that is supplied from the water utility to the apartments is filled with chlorine, iron, rust particles that get into the water from old pipelines.
It is important to understand that water treatment solves issues with the use of industrial water such as rigidity, yellow tint on clothes after washing due to a large amount of iron in the water, an unpleasant odor, turbidity of the water, scale in heating equipment, rust in pipes, plumbing breakage, etc.
The first step to clean water is water analysis since the choice of system installation largely depends on it. Without analysis, it is impossible to choose the most effective system that will provide clear water supply
The first stage in the implementation of a water treatment system is water analysis. In apartments, the water for analysis is taken from the water supply network. As for the private houses, it is important to note that the water cannot be taken for analysis once the well has been drilled. After installation work the soil is not yet connected tight to the pipe thus the different layers of groundwater can be mixed
The water has to meet national standards and regulations:
Water treatment and water purification are directly interconnected systems. Thanks to water treatment, we get clean tap water, which will be clear of harmful contaminants, hardness, pollution, odors, etc.
Turnkey water purification makes the water drinkable and protects the water from substances that can affect well-being and health.
Water that is supplied to our houses and apartments has a lot of contaminants that negatively affect our health. For example, manganese in water negatively affects the human skeletal system.
Water treatment and water purification are inseparable. Although these systems have different purposes they must be implemented in the house.
To purify the water in the house or even to make it healthy a reverse osmosis purifying system has to be installed. The device has cartridges and a membrane inside that makes the water suitable for drinking since the water that has passed through the system is 99.8% purified.
Reverse osmosis consists of:
To make water not only clear but also healthy it is necessary to choose reverse osmosis with a mineralizer that will saturate the water with healthy substances.
Flow filter is an alternative option for water purification; however, such a system doesn’t have a storage tank and its filter is less efficient compared to reverse osmosis.
A private house is not only walls and foundation, but also a complex livelihood system that requires special care and financial investment. The water purification system has to be taken into consideration at the design stage. It is necessary to plan a place where the well will be drilled in advance as well as correct implementation of sewage for the system to last for many years.
When designing water treatment’s further performance should be taken into account, therefore, its calculation is one of the primary tasks.
On average, the daily water consumption by one consumer is 240-250 liters, about 10.5 liters per person, but if we talk about a family of three, then the amount will be 31.5 liters accordingly Taking into account the fact that the peak of intensive water consumption falls for a certain time with a total duration of 1 to 3 hours, it turns out that for comfortable use, the capacity of the system for a family of 3 people will be 750 l/h.
If a system with low performance is chosen, then at the time of simultaneous use of water, all contaminants that come with the water will enter the installed water treatment filters.
The water in private houses passes through a thick layer of earth that is why by the moment the water approaches the consumer it is saturated with various harmful substances, organisms, and pollution that enter the water as it moves.
The main contaminants of well or well water are:
A purification system is an equipment complex. Suitable equipment selection depends on the individual case of the customer based on the results of water analysis, the budget, and the number of people living in the house or apartment.
The cost is calculated individually based on the budget, water analysis, the number of people living in the household, the nuances of a house or apartment’s design.
The following water filters are the most demanded on the market.
We solve the problem of microclimate in a house, starting from ventilation, air conditioning, heating and ending with humidification and air purification. We make sure that all systems interact productively with each other and at the same time do not consume a lot of energy in order to save your costs. In our work, we are like a family doctor - we treat your home, analyze a problem, offer solutions to it, and not just sell pills like a pharmacist in a pharmacy.
We are happy to jointly conduct projects with organizations and self-employed specialists, recommend you to our clients and help with the outsourced engineering part. Additionally, we invite you to attend seminars of the "Engineering in Design" series, where we show by examples how to correctly implement engineering systems in the interiors of end customers.
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