Electric heating

Published 10 Nov 2021
Updated 11 Jun 2023
14 мин чтения
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  1. Which electric heating to choose for a private house
  2. Advantages of electric heating
  3. Disadvantages of electric heating
  4. Main options for electric house heating
  5. Heating system with electric boiler
    1. Electric boiler with a tubular heating element
    2. Induction boilers and boilers with electrode heater
  6. Infrared heaters
  7. Underfloor heating system
  8. Heating with electric convectors
  9. Which electric heating is better to choose
  10. FAQ
    1. What is more cost-effective – electric or gas heating?
    2. Where can electric heating be installed?
    3. What is the average cost of connecting electric heating?

Which electric heating to choose for a private house

Nowadays, the heating system and the availability of hot water in the house is a prerequisite for the operation of the building. Heating, like hot water, is considered vital for a comfortable life, as well as for household use.

For the effective operation of the house heating system, all factors must be considered: the input power for the house, its area, and how often there are power failures and whether they are present at all.

Heat pump
Heat pump

It is worth mentioning that the installation of electric heating with the use of an electric boiler is not rational in houses with a large area. They are suitable for cottages with the area no more than 150 m2. Therefore, boilers are not used in houses with an area of ​​200-300 m2, since this is considered to be an expensive solution, and it is impractical to heat such large private houses with an electric boiler.

What should you do if you have purchased a large house that does not have a gas supply? The solution lies in investing as much as possible in the insulation material of the house to keep energy inside the building. It is also necessary to design a high-quality ventilation system (air intake from dirty areas, and air masses will be supplied to clean areas). Thanks to this system, we reduce the load on the heating system because there is no heat discharge to outdoors.

In this article, you can learn about the main types of electric heating systems for a country house. Let us consider in detail the information about the electric boiler, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as the alternative, which is a heat pump, and why it is more cost-effective to use this particular type of equipment.

Advantages of electric heating

An electric boiler is a conventional tubular heating element that heats water.

The boiler can perform two functions: heating water for hot water supply, as well as providing the building with heat (heating system).

The electric boiler can provide additional sources of heat. It could be:

  • underfloor heating;
  • radiator;
  • in-floor convector.

The alternative way is to use an air source heat pump. Alter Air recommends the use of an air-to-water heat pump as it is considered the most energy-efficient piece of equipment compared to an electric boiler. 

Unlike an electric boiler, which can work only for house heating and heating water for hot water supply, an air source heat pump can also perform the function of cooling a house or apartment.

Additional equipment for the rapid generation of cold or heat for an air-to-water heat pump are the following:

Electric heating, paired with a heat pump or electric boiler, involves the use of underfloor heating, which is considered essential in providing heat to a country house or apartment.

For optimal operation of the heating system, it is necessary to separate additional devices with a help of pumping groups. Because the pumps for convectors and radiators will supply higher temperatures to the units. And for an underfloor heating, as it is a low-temperature equipment, it is necessary to supply a much lower temperature to the underfloor heating system so that the temperature on the floor surface remains in the range of + 24-26 °C.

Accordingly, without following the norms and standards, the floor will become too hot, which will bring discomfort to the foot and inertia (uneven temperature difference) will occur. 

If you have a natural wood floor, then the correct selection of the optimal type of floor covering is necessary for the quality functioning of the heating system.

The heat pump has numerous advantages:

  • high-energy efficiency of the device, which allows you to convert 1 kW of purchased electricity into 3 kW of thermal energy;
  • cost effective equipment. Heating with a heat pump is much cheaper than using an electric boiler;
  • will provide comfortable air temperature indoors, irrespective of a season;
  • eco-friendly. There are no harmful emissions into the environment, which are considered dangerous for both nature and people.

The advantages of an electric boiler:

  • here is no gas outlet because the electric boiler uses electricity;
  • there is no emission of combustion products, and therefore it does not need a chimney;
  • high efficiency;
Electric boiler
Electric boiler

Compared to a heat or geothermal pump, an electric boiler has a lower efficiency. When converting electrical energy into heat, losses occur. Based on this, an electric boiler with 1 kW will be able to give off approximately 0.9 kW of heat. While an air heat pump with 1 kW of energy will give off 3 kW of heat, and a geothermal pump with 1 kW will provide 5 kW of heat energy.

  • customizable mode, which will provide a comfortable air temperature in each room. The electric boiler has weather-dependent, room-by-room and temporary automation.

Weather-dependent modulation will provide the ability to control the temperature in the room, considering the readings of the outdoor air temperature sensor.

Thanks to temporary automation, the residents of the house can program the temperature of the air supply in the house. For example, during sleep, as well as when going to work, you can set the minimum temperature. In the same way, while in the room, residents can set the optimum air temperature to feel comfortable.

All types of control (weather-dependent, as well as temporary) allow you to use electricity economically and not to waste it.

Disadvantages of electric heating

People who want to install a heating system with electrical equipment do not have a gas supply on the site. Moreover, to conduct gas to a country house is considered an irrational decision, since these are additional, and quite large costs.

Electric house heating has several disadvantages:

Электро отопление дома имеет ряд недостатков:

  • weak voltage in the mains, which can cause poor performance of the electric boiler;
  • limited kW supply. After the thermotechnical calculation of the building, you will be able to find out the certain amount of energy that is necessary for the functioning of the house;

For example, on the site there is only 9 kW of electricity, which can be used for the whole house. Let's say that the heating system, depending on the calculation, requires 9 kW of energy. Consequently, all other appliances, such as pumps, refrigerators, and other household appliances will not be able to work as the automatic input breaker will constantly turn off due to power overloads.

  • power outage. To prevent this problem, you must install an uninterruptible power supply. It can be: a diesel generator or a gasoline generator that can provide the necessary heat or electricity;
  • electricity is the most expensive raw material that exists in Ukraine.

For consumers of electricity, special tariffs were set, which made it possible to save some money:

  • if there is no gas line connection to the house on the site, the state could provide 3000 kWh with a 50% discount – which was considered a good offer;
  • at night, residents could use electricity, the price of which was reduced by another 50%. Today, only the night rate is used, in which there is a -50% discount from the original price.

Therefore, many customers purchase an air-to-water heat pump instead of an electric boiler, since the equipment will consume 3 times less electricity than an electric boiler.

It must be taken into account that the following rules must be observed for the installation of an air source heat pump:

  • the design of the building must be energy efficient. This implies the installation of high-quality double-glazed windows, as well as the selection of optimal thermal insulation materials for walls and roofs;
  • installation of a ventilation system with heat recovery. When installing the heat pump, there should be no ventilation ducts, except for one: forced ventilation from the frying surface. Based on this, the heating system thanks to a heat pump and the ventilation system will become efficient, since all heat intake will be carried out through the heat exchanger;
  • installation of an underfloor heating system that works at low temperatures.

Main options for electric house heating

Electric heating of the house involves the installation of an electric boiler, which will work both for heating water and for providing the house with heat.

However, the best solution is considered to be the purchase of a heat pump using all its functions: room heating/cooling, as well as water heating for hot water supply.

This equipment is the most efficient, as well as cost-effective, in comparison with an electric boiler.

Heating system with electric boiler

Example of a boiler for home heating
Example of a boiler for home heating

For the operation of the system, you must purchase the following devices:

  • electric boiler;
  • pumping groups;
  • DHW tank;
  • underfloor heating;
  • radiators;
  • convectors;
  • shutoff valves.

Electric boiler with a tubular heating element

People often ask a question about the operation of an electric boiler with a tubular heating element. One must understand that an electric boiler is similar to a tubular heating element that heats water for hot water supply and also for the heating system because the tubular heating element itself is located inside the electric boiler case.

Induction boilers and boilers with electrode heater

Alter Air specialists do not use this equipment for the heating system.

Infrared heaters

Infrared heaters are not a suitable for an electric heating system, since they have the property of heating objects. Accordingly, they cannot provide heat to a house or apartment. If you turn off the infrared heater, staying In the room will not be comfortable because the air will immediately become cold.

Underfloor heating system

Underfloor heating is considered to be an essential component when using gas and electric boilers. It is also a necessary element for heat pumps. Foremost, it is a comfortable area for a person. Underfloor heating releases a certain amount of heat, and to save this energy, it is necessary to have a high-energy efficiency of the house (thermal insulation of walls, roofs, as well as high-quality double-glazed windows).

Heating with electric convectors

Electric heating of a private house is possible not only with an electric boiler, but also with electric convectors for room heating. Instead of a boiler room, convectors for room heating are installed in each room, taking into account their own thermostat.

There are several types of electric convectors:

Which electric heating is better to choose

In order for the electric heating of the house to be effective in use, it is necessary to purchase the following types of equipment:


What is more cost-effective – electric or gas heating?

Electric house heating is considered a less cost-effective solution to purchase. Since heating a country house with gas is a more stable and cheaper option compared to using an electric boiler.

Where can electric heating be installed?

Electric heating of the house can be installed in any residential buildings, as well as in an office building.

First of all, before installing the heating system, it is necessary to carry out accurate calculations that will show the required amount of kW consumed for optimal operation of the heating system. A competent calculation will help to avoid problems with a lack of power for the operation of all the devices, such as equipment shutdown.

Alter Air specialists will be able to provide high-quality calculations, taking into account the wishes of the customer, as well as the nuances of the apartment or house in which the installation of electrical equipment will be carried out. After that, having a calculation for the required power, the process of selecting the unit takes place.

What is the average cost of connecting electric heating?

Modern electric heating for the house is considered to be an expensive solution. The connection price depends on the required power for the full operation of electrical equipment, as well as the size of the boiler room and the manufacturer.

To find out the exact cost of connecting an electric heating system to your house or apartment, contact Alter Air. Specialists will provide a choice of options for electrical devices, according to the calculations.


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