Operation comparison of MAICO WS and JABLOTRON FUTURA units

Published 05 Apr 2021
Updated 04 Jul 2024
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  1. Recuperator, preheating and efficiency in winter
  2. Comparison of the operation of the units
    1. Результаты Maico WS 470
    2. Jablotron Futura L results
  3. Control system and operating features
    1. Calculation by nominal amount of air per person or by multiplicity factor
    2. Calculation by co2 level in rooms (by air quality)
  4. Configuration and additional options
  5. Comparison of initial and operating costs for ventilation units
  6. Results, or which to choose – Maico WS or Jablotron Futura?
Comparison of ventilation system operation

Perhaps only the lazy would not know about the need for ventilation – without fresh air it is impossible to feel well and to have high productivity. Opening windows is a thing of the past (along with heat loss, insects, dust, noise, and fumes), and ventilation in a modern house is provided by air handling units with heat recovery and a passive humidification system.

There are many manufacturers on the modern European market, but today we will compare the German Maico WS and the Czech Jablotron Futura.

We promise minimum of unnecessary information or subjective reasoning and maximum of facts and figures!

Jablotron and Maico air handling units with heat recovery are equipments of a high level of quality and efficiency. However, they have several differences that should be considered in detail.

We divided the article into blocks, in which we compare and analyze all aspects of working with these units.

Recuperator, preheating and efficiency in winter

Plate recuperators, which are used in European ventilation units, are similar in their performance and are actually produced in two European factories - Recair and Paul. Manufacturers of ventilation equipment prefer one or another recuperator, depending on the location of factories and historical relationships. Technologically, recuperators have the same efficiency and principle of operation. But there are other factors that affect the energy efficiency of the ventilation unit itself:

  1. Aerodynamics inside the unit – the lower the speed inside the unit, the higher its energy efficiency.
  2. The thickness of the insulation – the better the insulation of the equipment, in the first place, and air ducts – the higher the energy efficiency of the entire ventilation system.
  3.  The availability of pre- and post-heating reduces the energy efficiency of ventilation, as it connects additional energy sources. 

The use of the same recuperators and similar control systems causes a slight difference in the efficiency of most European ventilation units – as a rule, the nominal capacity will be from 89% to 93%.

Therefore, all recuperators are practically the same. The best efficiency depends on the features of the units, rather than on the recuperators as such.

When implementing the ventilation system, we strive to increase energy efficiency, in this regard, the manufacturer Jablotron tried as much as possible to eliminate the factors that reduce the efficiency of the recuperator.

The Jablotron Futura air-handling unit has a significant advantage over the Maico WS unit, as it uses a different principle of recuperator operation – with 4 moving dampers that change the direction of airflow. You can visually see the operation of the system in our office!

This solves several fundamental problems at once:

  1. The enthalpy process starts in winter (preservation of moisture inside the room) – due to a change in airflow, the condensate that forms on the walls of the recuperator is taken in by the supply airflow, thus additionally moistening it. With a “classic” ventilation system, the use of a special enthalpy recuperators is required to achieve a similar effect – however, it is worth noting that the latter lose their enthalpy capability on average after 1.5-2 years (depending on the frequency of filter replacement) due to the peculiarities of the material and further work without retaining moisture.
  2. There is no need for additional heating to protect the heat exchanger from freezing. Jablotron has only a 350 W post-heating tubular heating element, which is used when the temperature of air discharge to the outdoors after the heat exchanger reaches less than 0 degrees (depending on air humidity, its quantity and temperature inside the room, such a process for Ukraine occurs on average at a temperature of -15 and below). Maico ventilation units are equipped with a built-in preheater with a power of 1.8 kW, which is switched on to heat the supply air before the recuperator, for conventional recuperators this occurs at an average temperature of -4 °C, for enthalpy recuperators – at a temperature of -2 °C. The manufacturer did not provide for the possibility of adjusting the preheating power, only 1.8 kW.

An important point to be considered in the operation of the Maico WS 470. Preheating reaches its power limit at -8 °C and at a capacity of 470 m3/h. What happens next? When the temperature drops below    -8 °C, the capacity continues to decrease and, for example, at -11 °C, it is 320 m3/h. At a temperature of -18 °C, the capacity drops to 240 m3/h. This problem is especially acute for customers with a big unit size.

Jablotron Futura L does not have this problem, as it uses the aforementioned moving damper principle and avoids freezing without reducing the capacity of the unit. In addition, as an additional option, you can use the module – air-to-air heat pump Jablotron CoolBreeze – for temperature control (cooling and heating air during the off-season). You can also control and manage the operation of the heat pump in the MyJABLOTRON application interface.

It is thanks to the dampers installed on the recuperator that the Jablotron unit has an advantage over the Maico unit as for enthalpy and the need for preheating to protect the recuperator from freezing.

Comparison of the operation of the units

The main thing to focus on when comparing the units is the effectiveness and the result of their work. We propose to measure the effectiveness of Maico WS 470 and Jablotron Futura L.

Date of measurement: 12 February. Unit capacity: Jablotron - 443 m3/h, Maico - 470 m3/h.

Результаты Maico WS 470

Maico WS 470 installation air performance

Take a look at the screenshots from the air@home app:

  1. The temperature outside at the time of measurement was -9 °C.
  2. After heating with a tubular heating element, the air temperature at the inlet to the recuperator is -0.8 °C.
  3. The temperature of the supply air to the room = 15.8 °C.
  4. Room temperature = 23.6 °C.
  5. The temperature of the exhaust air is 1 °C.
  6. Preheating in the unit is turned on at 100% and consumes ~ 1950 W.

Based on the data:

  • Real efficiency of the recuperator of the ventilation unit: (15.8 + 0.8) / (23.6 + 0.8) = 0.68 = 68%.
  • Actual energy consumption ~ 1950 W.

Jablotron Futura L results

Jablotron Futura L results

Now it's time to analyze the data from the MyJABLOTRON app:

  1. The temperature outside at the time of measurement was -11 °C.
  2. The air temperature at the inlet to the recuperator is -4.2 °C. This difference is because the supply air ducts pass through the room and heat up. The tubular heating element is disabled.
  3. The temperature of the supply air to the room = 18.0 °C.
  4. Room temperature = 25.8 °C.
  5. The temperature of the exhaust air is 0.8 °C.
  6. No preheating.

Based on the data:

  • Real efficiency of the heat exchanger of the ventilation unit: (18.0 + 4.2) / (25.8 + 4.2) = 0.74 = 74%.
  • Actual energy consumption: 280W.

Pay attention to the relative humidity of the air: the ventilation unit not only retained the relative humidity that was in the office (20%), but also increased it to 21% due to the removal of condensate from the recuperator.

Maico WS 470 has lower real recuperator efficiency (68% versus 74%) and significantly higher actual energy consumption – 1950 W versus 280 W compared to Jablotron Futura L. Another important factor is Maico WS at -8 °C starts to decrease its capacity.

Control system and operating features

The design and calculation of a ventilation system based on both Maico and Jablotron can be carried out in two ways:

  1. By the nominal amount of air to be supplied per person or by multiplicity factor;
  2. By the level of CO2.

Each system has its advantages and disadvantages.

Calculation by nominal amount of air per person or by multiplicity factor

In other words, by the number of permanent residents. The capacity of the ventilation unit is calculated based on the maximum comfortable supply rate – 36 m3/h of fresh air per 1 person in each room – in accordance with the Construction Norms & Regulations.

For example, for a house with a bedroom, two children's rooms and a large kitchen-diner, it is necessary that the ventilation unit work constantly at a capacity of 310 m3 / h (70 m3 for the bedroom, 50 m3 for the children's rooms and 140 m3 for the living room).

In this type of system, calculations are often carried out based on the volume of the room – the multiplicity factor should be at least 0.6 for “clean areas” (bedrooms, living rooms, children’s rooms) and 1.5 for “dirty areas” (bathrooms, bathrooms, dressing rooms). The advantage of this system is the lower initial costs for the implementation of ventilation. At the same time, the unit have to work all the time in a range close to the maximum to provide the necessary amount of fresh air, which is supplied to all the rooms, regardless of the presence of people. Which is definitely a disadvantage, since the unit works to no avail in the absence of residents.

Calculation by co2 level in rooms (by air quality)

The ventilation unit changes its performance depending on the CO2 level. To increase efficiency, it is recommended to use ventilation with variable airflow valves (VAV valves). A variable airflow system is slightly more expensive as to initial costs, but has its advantages. Thus, the ventilation unit operates 100% of its time, in automatic mode, independently adjusting to the level of CO2 in each individual area. This allows to supply more fresh air to the necessary rooms, while not increasing the capacity of the ventilation unit itself and not wasting extra energy.

VAV-valves VarioBreeze

In the case of the Jablotron Futura L + CoolBreeze, the valves allow you to control the operation of the unit not only in terms of air quality, but also in terms of temperature (depending on the priority selected in the application).

An important point - the Czech manufacturer Jablotron allows you to implement such a system much cheaper than with Maico WS equipment

As practice shows, in houses and apartments with an area of ​​120-180 m2, when implementing a ventilation system according to the "classic" scheme, it is necessary that the ventilation unit operate at a capacity of 280-350 m3/h, while it will supply no more than 35 m3/h for each person.

When implementing a ventilation system based on CO2 control, the air handling unit operates with a capacity of 140-170 m3/h, while supplying 50-70 m3 of fresh air per person per hour, which is 2 times more than even according to the norms and standards. This provides numerous significant benefits:

  • lower operating capacity of the ventilation unit saves not only energy consumption, but also increases the operational life of the engine;
  • lower noise level compared to operation at close to maximum power;
  • lower operation capacity of the ventilation unit increases the operational life of the filters,

Both Maico and Jablotron can work in the above-mentioned two scenarios, however, the special feature of Jablotron Futura is precisely the ability to work with CO2 level control without the involvement of third-party equipment and, more importantly, much cheaper.

Both units can be implemented both in projects with calculations by the number of inhabitants and by air quality. The latter, however, has a number of advantages, one of which is energy savings.

How the Jablotron VAV system works:

  • CO2 sensors placed in every living area continuously measure the level of carbon dioxide and send the data to the Futura unit.
  • As long as all sensors detect a low level of CO2, the unit runs at minimum speed.
  • As soon as one of the sensors registers an increase in the level of carbon dioxide (so-called upward trend), it gives a signal and the VAV ventilation system closes the valves in other rooms, directing the entire airflow to the room where the trend is observed. In this case, the capacity of the unit does not increase. This process continues until the normalization of the CO2 level.
  • If it happens that the air quality trend is observed in several rooms at the same time – the unit first redistributes the flows to these rooms, and then (if there is not enough air to normalize the level in all rooms) gradually increases the capacity.
  • If a BoostButton signal chip is installed in the house or apartment, then another scenario is provided for the VAV system. The chip is installed in the light switch and remains invisible from the outside. It is used for exhaust zones – bathrooms, bathrooms, kitchens. It is activated by pressing the switch key and activates enhanced air removal. The entire volume of extract air is removed from the activated zone for a limited time (the period can be set via the application).

In order to clearly demonstrate the operation of the VAV system, Alter Air specialists conducted an experiment and recorded the operation of variable airflow valves on the graphs.

Initial data:

  • The experiment took place in the office of Alter Air - this caused some difficulties, since the area of ​​the main area of ​​the experiment = 5 m2. Such a small area leads to a sharp increase in CO2 levels, which is not typical for the average rooms in a house or apartment. Because of it the unit does not have time to respond as quickly to changes in the level of carbon dioxide.
  • 4 zones were used to represent the principle of airflow redirection.
  • The experiment was to increase the level of carbon dioxide in one of the zones and monitor the operation of the VAV valve for the ventilation system.

Experiment progress:

  • The graphs show several indicators – the percentage of valve opening (red and turquoise), the volume of air supplied (pink), the level of CO2 (blue).
  • The beginning of the experiment on the chart – at 7.00 am European time. Until this time, we can observe that the variable airflow valves in all zones were 100% open. No change in CO2 level was observed anywhere, in all zones it is in the “blue zone” – up to 600 ppm.
Ventilation system schedule in the morning
Schedule of operation of the Jablotron Futura
  • At 7.00 two people entered Zone 4 - an office with an area of ​​5 m2. From this point on, we can observe a sharp increase in CO2 levels.
Installation schedule when people came to the office
  • In Zone 4, along with an increase in the CO2 level, an increase in the volume of supplied (fresh) air can also be observed - the unit compensates for the trend of deteriorating air quality.
  • In parallel, we can observe how valves behave in other zones (Zones 2, 3, 8) – they close to provide maximum flow to the desired zone without increasing the capacity of the equipment.
Heavy air supply
Increased air supply to the desired area
  • It is worth remembering that each zone is not completely isolated – there is a certain mixing of air. This, according to our Czech colleagues, explains why the VAV system does not stop supplying 100% fresh air to other areas. By supplying small volumes to other zones, we help to normalize the CO2 level in the desired zone.
  • At the same time, another person comes to Zone 3 - there is a gradual increase in the level of CO2 in this zone.
Smooth increase of CO2 level when person in room
  • Unit response – increased capacity to stabilize the air quality in the two zones.
  • Once the situation is normalized, the position of the variable airflow valves and the performance of the Jablotron Futura unit returns to normal – with uniform air distribution and open VAV valves in all areas.
Uniform airflow distribution

Configuration and additional options

Maico WS is a ventilation unit that has the following standard configuration:

  1. ventilation unit;
  2. F7 fine filter;
  3. G4 coarse filter;
  4. standard RLS wired control panel, with which you can change the speed of the unit.
Maico WS Ventilation System Package

The control can be carried out using the control panel, the air@home mobile app and the air-home.de website. By default, the unit supports the ModBus control protocol and as an option – KNX (requires an additional Maico K-SM board for 660 euros)

Mobile App air @ home

Through the app and website, the user can control the air handling unit, set the operation schedule and see the main humidity and temperature indicators.

Данные, доступные в air @ home

If you want to control ventilation through CO2 control, you must additionally purchase:

  • room CO2 sensors - (459 euros each - 1 must be installed in each living room);
  • Maico ZP2 control board (€523).
  • air flow control can be done with third-party VAV valves - TROX, BELIMO or SYSTEMAIR – on average – from 330 to 430 euros for a variable airflow valve (the number of valves required depends on the aerodynamic calculation of the system and the number of rooms).

See below for more detailed calculations for each type of system.

Jablotron Futura standard configuration:

  1. Ventilation unit;
  2. 2 fine F7 class filters;
  3. Alfa wired control panel with CO2 sensor – allows you to control the operation of the unit and see the indicators of temperature, humidity, CO2 level, selected modes, etc.;
  4. siphon for drainage discharge HL136;
Jablotron Futura Package

Additionally, Jablotron can be supplemented with options that simplify and expand control options:

  • cooling module Jablotron CoolBreeze, which performs the function of heating and cooling the air;
  • signal chip Jablotron BoostButton (30 euros), temporarily turns on increased exhaust in local areas;
  • VAV-valves Jablotron VarioBreeze (121 euros), which redirect the airflow;
  • Faber kitchen hoods with Jablotron automation – for integrated air extraction in the kitchen.

The system can be controlled using the control panel, the MyJablotron application, and the maintenance can be done remotely using the Jablotron Connect system. Both engineers and customers have access to extensive infographics on the operation of the unit and indoor air quality – in real time. Any changes can be traced to the smallest detail thanks to the graphs, and the operation of the air handling unit can be corrected.

Automation is one of the main advantages of Jablotron, as the company has its software department, which creates and modifies the software specifically for the needs of the equipment. Service, diagnostics and “repair” of the unit can be carried out remotely in 85% of cases, which is also an advantage – less worry for the owners.

Additional MyJablotron

It is easy to compare the basic configuration of the units: in Jablotron Futura and Maico WS they are almost the same. The differences become noticeable in additional options – Maico is limited in additional devices (no option for a cooling module, integration with a kitchen hood, the possibility of enhanced air removal or VAV valves of their production).

Concerning control and automation, Maico WS also loses to Jablotron Futura – there is an application, but there is no such amount of information and control capabilities. The German company Maico developed the application, rather, starting from the needs for it as such, but it is inappropriate to talk about ease of use (given the number of complaints from customers about system control). Jablotron immediately implemented such control and management as a basic function, focusing on the speed of control, attractive and user-friendly interface.

Comparison of initial and operating costs for ventilation units

To show the comparative costs of ventilation systems based on different equipment as clearly as possible, Alter Air engineers have compiled the following comparative table:


Equipment based on air handling unit Jablotron + VAV VarioBreeze Equipment based on air handling unit Maico + VAV TROX
Equipment based on air handling unit SystemAir Save VTC + SystemAir VAV Equipment based on air handling unit SystemAir + VAV Belimo
Supply and exhaust equipment price, configuration, euroJablotron Futura L nominal 350 m3/h - 5 079,67

Jablotron Futura M nominal 250 m3/h - 4 584,76

Maico WS KBET 470 - 6 234

Maico WS KBET 320 - 5 086

SAVE VTC 500 R/L - 5 050

SAVE VTC 300 R/L - 3 970

SAVE VTC 500 R/L - 5 050

SAVE VTC 300 R/L - 3 970

Control panel (supplied with the air handling unit)* Wall-mounted, wired PC CO2 JABLOTRON ALFA (display with electronic ink, has a temperature, moisture, ppm sensor)

*Wall-mounted, wired controller MAICO RLS 1 WR
* Wall-mounted, wired PC with LCD display
* Wall-mounted, wired PC with LCD display
Option to use another control panel-* Wall-mounted, touch control panel (TFT-display) MAICO RLS T1 WS (with temperature sensor) (831 euros)

*  Wall-mounted touch control panel SAVE Touch White SPR (255 euros)
*  Wall-mounted touch control panel SAVE Touch White SPR (255 euros)
Siphon for drainageIncludedHL-138 – 38 eurosHL-138 – 38 eurosHL-138 – 38 euros
Pre-heater and post-heater

Built-in post-heater for models:
• Futura L - 380W
• Futura M - 370W

Built-in 1.8 kW pre-heate

There are no built-in heaters. It is necessary to install a heater SV 160-2.7 230V / 1 - 300 euros.

When working with high humidity, it is necessary to install a Reheater VTC preheater - 150 euros.

There are no built-in heaters. It is necessary to install a heater SV 160-2.7 230V / 1 - 300 euros.

When working with high humidity, it is necessary to install a Reheater VTC preheater - 150 euros.

The price of a control board or controller that allows the air handling unit to operate at a constant pressure, euro

All automation is based on Jablotron equipment

ZP2 board - 523

VAV/CAV kit SaveCair – 360

VAV/CAV kit SaveCair – 360

Price of CO2 sensors in living rooms, euro

Jablotron CO2 – 196

Maico CO2 – 459

EC-Basic -CO2 and temperature – 454

AERASGARD-8110 KCO2-SD-U – 157,8

Price of VAV valves responding to CO2 sensors, 1 piece, euro

Jablotron VarioBreeze d90 – 121

d100 TVE/100/Easy – 427

d80 TUNE-R-080-3-M3 – 333

VAV-терминал, DN100 – 158,7

The price of equipment that allows you to briefly increase the exhaust from the dirty area, euro

BoostButton – 29,5




Recommended airflow range for 1 VAV valve

VAV VAV d90 - from 10 to 90 m3/h 

d100 TVE/100/Easy - from 14 to 354 m3/h

d80 TUNE-R-080-3-M3 – from 50 to 250 m3/h

VAV terminal, DN100 – from 40 to 200 m3/h

Recommended air velocity range through 1 VAV valve

VAV d90 - from 0.5 to 4.4 m/s

d100 TVE/100/Easy - from 0.5 to 13 m/s

d80 TUNE-R-080-3-M3 - from 1.6 to 10 m/s

VAV terminal, DN100 - 1.4 to 7.1 m/s

How the system works

The CO2 sensor transmits information about the ppm level to the VAV valve, the air handling unit analyzes the state of all dampers and starts redirecting the air to the room where it is necessary to reduce the CO2 level, if the capacity is not enough, the unit increases it.
In this case, the air extraction is proportionally divided between all the exhaust valves. When you turn on the BoostButton, the system redirects the air extraction from other valves to the air extraction of the working area, in accordance with the settings of the timer.

The CO2 sensor transmits a 0.1V signal to the VAV valve, which in turn opens or closes. 
The ZP2 board sees the change in system resistance and reduces or increases capacity.
At the same time, an exhaust valve must be matched with corresponding supply valve, which duplicates the opening and closing of the damper.
For correct operation and calibration of the valves, a huge difference in pressure is required. Respectively, low air flow rates entail a large error in operation.

The CO2 sensor transmits a 0.1V signal to the VAV valve, which in turn opens or closes. 
The SAVECair kit sees the change in system resistance and reduces or increases capacity.
At the same time, an exhaust valve must be matched with corresponding supply valve, which duplicates the opening and closing of the damper.
For correct operation and calibration of the valves, a huge difference in pressure is required. Respectively, low air flow rates entail a large error in operation.

The CO2 sensor measures the ppm in the air duct (which makes zone control difficult) and sends a 0.1V signal to the VAV valve, which in turn opens or closes.
The SAVECair kit sees the change in system resistance and reduces or increases capacity.
At the same time, an exhaust valve must be matched with corresponding supply valve, which duplicates the opening and closing of the damper.
For correct operation and calibration of the valves, a huge difference in pressure is required. Respectively, low air flow rates entail a large error in operation.
* The installation of a wall-mounted CO2 sensor and its compatibility of operation must be checked with the manufacturer.
Features of design and installation

· When installing an air handling unit, it is imperative to provide for drainage
· When designing VAV valves, it is necessary to provide access to them through inspection hatches
· After installation of all valves, sensors and Boost keys, the electrical connection is sequenced; the assignment of the valve operation zone is configured post factum.

· When installing an air handling unit, it is imperative to provide for drainage
· When designing VAV valves, it is necessary to provide access to them through inspection hatches
· Each air supply valve must be matched with an air exhaust valve (duplicating the damper opening/closing).

· When installing an air handling unit, it is imperative to provide for drainage
· When designing VAV valves, it is necessary to provide access to them through inspection hatches
· Each air supply valve must be matched with an air exhaust valve (duplicating the damper opening/closing).

· When installing an air handling unit, it is imperative to provide for drainage
· When designing VAV valves, it is necessary to provide access to them through inspection hatches
· Each air supply valve must be matched with an air exhaust valve (duplicating the damper opening/closing).

Automation and system monitoring

All components are from one manufacturer, the system is designed to work with native software.
Through the application you can get full access to analytics and statistics of equipment operation.
Russian translation is available.

The TROX valve system is a separate component of the ventilation system.
Maico air handling unit. Responds only to changes in pressure.
Russian translation is available.

All components are from the same manufacturer, but the principle of operation differs from that of Jablotron.
The system is designed to work with native software with high capacity.
Russian translation is available.

The Belimo valve system is a separate component of the ventilation system.
The SystemAir air handling unit only responds to pressure changes.

Integration with "Smart Home"

· The built-in MODBUS/TCP interface provides integration into engineering systems of the building.

· The built-in MODBUS interface provides integration into engineering systems of the building.
· The optional EnOcean E-SM plug-in module to connect the ventilation unit to the “EnOcean world”.
· The optional KNX K-SM plug-in module provides the possibility to connect to the building's engineering systems.

· The built-in MODBUS interface provides integration into engineering systems of the building.
· The MODBUS/RTU protocol defines how a "master" device gets response from one or more "subordinate" devices to read and record real-time data using RS232, RS422, or RS485 serial data communication.

 The built-in MODBUS interface provides integration into engineering systems of the building.

· The MODBUS/RTU protocol defines how a "master" device gets response from one or more "subordinate" devices to read and record real-time data using RS232, RS422, or RS485 serial data communication.

Recommended object types for used systemApartments, cottages, townhouses, houses up to 250 m2.

Objects with high capacity of air handling equipment, including hotels, schools, cinemas, etc.

Objects with high capacity of air handling equipment, including hotels, schools, cinemas, etc.

Objects with high capacity of air handling equipment, including hotels, schools, cinemas, etc.

  • Supply and exhaust equipment price, configuration, euro
    Supply and exhaust equipment price, configuration, euro
  • Control panel (supplied with the air handling unit)
    Control panel (supplied with the air handling unit)
  • Option to use another control panel
    Option to use another control panel
  • Siphon for drainage
    Siphon for drainage
  • Pre-heater and post-heater

    Pre-heater and post-heater

  • The price of a control board or controller that allows the air handling unit to operate at a constant pressure, euro
    The price of a control board or controller that allows the air handling unit to operate at a constant pressure, euro
  • Price of CO2 sensors in living rooms, euro
    Price of CO2 sensors in living rooms, euro
  • Price of VAV valves responding to CO2 sensors, 1 piece, euro
    Price of VAV valves responding to CO2 sensors, 1 piece, euro
  • The price of equipment that allows you to briefly increase the exhaust from the dirty area, euro
    The price of equipment that allows you to briefly increase the exhaust from the dirty area, euro
  • Recommended airflow range for 1 VAV valve
    Recommended airflow range for 1 VAV valve
  • Recommended air velocity range through 1 VAV valve
    Recommended air velocity range through 1 VAV valve
  • How the system works
    How the system works
  • Features of design and installation
    Features of design and installation
  • Automation and system monitoring
    Automation and system monitoring
  • Integration with "Smart Home"
    Integration with "Smart Home"
  • Recommended object types for used system
    Recommended object types for used system
Equipment based on air handling unit Jablotron + VAV VarioBreeze
  • Supply and exhaust equipment price, configuration, euro
    Jablotron Futura L nominal 350 m3/h - 5 079,67

    Jablotron Futura M nominal 250 m3/h - 4 584,76

  • Control panel (supplied with the air handling unit)
    * Wall-mounted, wired PC CO2 JABLOTRON ALFA (display with electronic ink, has a temperature, moisture, ppm sensor)

  • Option to use another control panel
  • Siphon for drainage
  • Pre-heater and post-heater

    Built-in post-heater for models:
    • Futura L - 380W
    • Futura M - 370W

  • The price of a control board or controller that allows the air handling unit to operate at a constant pressure, euro

    All automation is based on Jablotron equipment

  • Price of CO2 sensors in living rooms, euro

    Jablotron CO2 – 196

  • Price of VAV valves responding to CO2 sensors, 1 piece, euro

    Jablotron VarioBreeze d90 – 121

  • The price of equipment that allows you to briefly increase the exhaust from the dirty area, euro

    BoostButton – 29,5

  • Recommended airflow range for 1 VAV valve

    VAV VAV d90 - from 10 to 90 m3/h 

  • Recommended air velocity range through 1 VAV valve

    VAV d90 - from 0.5 to 4.4 m/s

  • How the system works

    The CO2 sensor transmits information about the ppm level to the VAV valve, the air handling unit analyzes the state of all dampers and starts redirecting the air to the room where it is necessary to reduce the CO2 level, if the capacity is not enough, the unit increases it.
    In this case, the air extraction is proportionally divided between all the exhaust valves. When you turn on the BoostButton, the system redirects the air extraction from other valves to the air extraction of the working area, in accordance with the settings of the timer.

  • Features of design and installation

    · When installing an air handling unit, it is imperative to provide for drainage
    · When designing VAV valves, it is necessary to provide access to them through inspection hatches
    · After installation of all valves, sensors and Boost keys, the electrical connection is sequenced; the assignment of the valve operation zone is configured post factum.

  • Automation and system monitoring

    All components are from one manufacturer, the system is designed to work with native software.
    Through the application you can get full access to analytics and statistics of equipment operation.
    Russian translation is available.

  • Integration with "Smart Home"

    · The built-in MODBUS/TCP interface provides integration into engineering systems of the building.

  • Recommended object types for used system
    Apartments, cottages, townhouses, houses up to 250 m2.
Equipment based on air handling unit Maico + VAV TROX
  • Supply and exhaust equipment price, configuration, euro
    Maico WS KBET 470 - 6 234

    Maico WS KBET 320 - 5 086

  • Control panel (supplied with the air handling unit)
    *Wall-mounted, wired controller MAICO RLS 1 WR
  • Option to use another control panel
    * Wall-mounted, touch control panel (TFT-display) MAICO RLS T1 WS (with temperature sensor) (831 euros)

  • Siphon for drainage
    HL-138 – 38 euros
  • Pre-heater and post-heater

    Built-in 1.8 kW pre-heate
  • The price of a control board or controller that allows the air handling unit to operate at a constant pressure, euro
    ZP2 board - 523

  • Price of CO2 sensors in living rooms, euro
    Maico CO2 – 459

  • Price of VAV valves responding to CO2 sensors, 1 piece, euro
    d100 TVE/100/Easy – 427
  • The price of equipment that allows you to briefly increase the exhaust from the dirty area, euro
  • Recommended airflow range for 1 VAV valve
    d100 TVE/100/Easy - from 14 to 354 m3/h
  • Recommended air velocity range through 1 VAV valve
    d100 TVE/100/Easy - from 0.5 to 13 m/s
  • How the system works

    The CO2 sensor transmits a 0.1V signal to the VAV valve, which in turn opens or closes. 
    The ZP2 board sees the change in system resistance and reduces or increases capacity.
    At the same time, an exhaust valve must be matched with corresponding supply valve, which duplicates the opening and closing of the damper.
    For correct operation and calibration of the valves, a huge difference in pressure is required. Respectively, low air flow rates entail a large error in operation.

  • Features of design and installation

    · When installing an air handling unit, it is imperative to provide for drainage
    · When designing VAV valves, it is necessary to provide access to them through inspection hatches
    · Each air supply valve must be matched with an air exhaust valve (duplicating the damper opening/closing).

  • Automation and system monitoring

    The TROX valve system is a separate component of the ventilation system.
    Maico air handling unit. Responds only to changes in pressure.
    Russian translation is available.

  • Integration with "Smart Home"

    · The built-in MODBUS interface provides integration into engineering systems of the building.
    · The optional EnOcean E-SM plug-in module to connect the ventilation unit to the “EnOcean world”.
    · The optional KNX K-SM plug-in module provides the possibility to connect to the building's engineering systems.

  • Recommended object types for used system

    Objects with high capacity of air handling equipment, including hotels, schools, cinemas, etc.

Equipment based on air handling unit SystemAir Save VTC + SystemAir VAV
  • Supply and exhaust equipment price, configuration, euro
    SAVE VTC 500 R/L - 5 050

    SAVE VTC 300 R/L - 3 970

  • Control panel (supplied with the air handling unit)
    * Wall-mounted, wired PC with LCD display
  • Option to use another control panel
    *  Wall-mounted touch control panel SAVE Touch White SPR (255 euros)
  • Siphon for drainage
    HL-138 – 38 euros
  • Pre-heater and post-heater

    There are no built-in heaters. It is necessary to install a heater SV 160-2.7 230V / 1 - 300 euros.

    When working with high humidity, it is necessary to install a Reheater VTC preheater - 150 euros.

  • The price of a control board or controller that allows the air handling unit to operate at a constant pressure, euro

    VAV/CAV kit SaveCair – 360

  • Price of CO2 sensors in living rooms, euro

    EC-Basic -CO2 and temperature – 454

  • Price of VAV valves responding to CO2 sensors, 1 piece, euro

    d80 TUNE-R-080-3-M3 – 333

  • The price of equipment that allows you to briefly increase the exhaust from the dirty area, euro


  • Recommended airflow range for 1 VAV valve

    d80 TUNE-R-080-3-M3 – from 50 to 250 m3/h

  • Recommended air velocity range through 1 VAV valve

    d80 TUNE-R-080-3-M3 - from 1.6 to 10 m/s

  • How the system works

    The CO2 sensor transmits a 0.1V signal to the VAV valve, which in turn opens or closes. 
    The SAVECair kit sees the change in system resistance and reduces or increases capacity.
    At the same time, an exhaust valve must be matched with corresponding supply valve, which duplicates the opening and closing of the damper.
    For correct operation and calibration of the valves, a huge difference in pressure is required. Respectively, low air flow rates entail a large error in operation.

  • Features of design and installation

    · When installing an air handling unit, it is imperative to provide for drainage
    · When designing VAV valves, it is necessary to provide access to them through inspection hatches
    · Each air supply valve must be matched with an air exhaust valve (duplicating the damper opening/closing).

  • Automation and system monitoring

    All components are from the same manufacturer, but the principle of operation differs from that of Jablotron.
    The system is designed to work with native software with high capacity.
    Russian translation is available.

  • Integration with "Smart Home"

    · The built-in MODBUS interface provides integration into engineering systems of the building.
    · The MODBUS/RTU protocol defines how a "master" device gets response from one or more "subordinate" devices to read and record real-time data using RS232, RS422, or RS485 serial data communication.

  • Recommended object types for used system

    Objects with high capacity of air handling equipment, including hotels, schools, cinemas, etc.

Equipment based on air handling unit SystemAir + VAV Belimo
  • Supply and exhaust equipment price, configuration, euro
    SAVE VTC 500 R/L - 5 050

    SAVE VTC 300 R/L - 3 970

  • Control panel (supplied with the air handling unit)
    * Wall-mounted, wired PC with LCD display
  • Option to use another control panel
    *  Wall-mounted touch control panel SAVE Touch White SPR (255 euros)
  • Siphon for drainage
    HL-138 – 38 euros
  • Pre-heater and post-heater

    There are no built-in heaters. It is necessary to install a heater SV 160-2.7 230V / 1 - 300 euros.

    When working with high humidity, it is necessary to install a Reheater VTC preheater - 150 euros.

  • The price of a control board or controller that allows the air handling unit to operate at a constant pressure, euro

    VAV/CAV kit SaveCair – 360

  • Price of CO2 sensors in living rooms, euro

    AERASGARD-8110 KCO2-SD-U – 157,8

  • Price of VAV valves responding to CO2 sensors, 1 piece, euro

    VAV-терминал, DN100 – 158,7

  • The price of equipment that allows you to briefly increase the exhaust from the dirty area, euro


  • Recommended airflow range for 1 VAV valve

    VAV terminal, DN100 – from 40 to 200 m3/h

  • Recommended air velocity range through 1 VAV valve

    VAV terminal, DN100 - 1.4 to 7.1 m/s

  • How the system works
    The CO2 sensor measures the ppm in the air duct (which makes zone control difficult) and sends a 0.1V signal to the VAV valve, which in turn opens or closes.
    The SAVECair kit sees the change in system resistance and reduces or increases capacity.
    At the same time, an exhaust valve must be matched with corresponding supply valve, which duplicates the opening and closing of the damper.
    For correct operation and calibration of the valves, a huge difference in pressure is required. Respectively, low air flow rates entail a large error in operation.
    * The installation of a wall-mounted CO2 sensor and its compatibility of operation must be checked with the manufacturer.
  • Features of design and installation

    · When installing an air handling unit, it is imperative to provide for drainage
    · When designing VAV valves, it is necessary to provide access to them through inspection hatches
    · Each air supply valve must be matched with an air exhaust valve (duplicating the damper opening/closing).

  • Automation and system monitoring

    The Belimo valve system is a separate component of the ventilation system.
    The SystemAir air handling unit only responds to pressure changes.

  • Integration with "Smart Home"
     The built-in MODBUS interface provides integration into engineering systems of the building.

    · The MODBUS/RTU protocol defines how a "master" device gets response from one or more "subordinate" devices to read and record real-time data using RS232, RS422, or RS485 serial data communication.

  • Recommended object types for used system

    Objects with high capacity of air handling equipment, including hotels, schools, cinemas, etc.

Based on the table above, we can draw several conclusions that will make the choice of the system obvious:

  1. The whole system from one manufacturer. The Czech manufacturer Jablotron has all necessary equipment for еру full ventilation system with variable airflow, which means: easy connection, well-organized work and centralized control and management.
  2. Cost. Perhaps the most significant benefit of Jablotron is the cost of implementing the system. Of course, the cost will vary depending on the number of VAV valves, consoles, unit size, etc. But if we compare systems with the same initial data (1 unit at ~ 400 m3/h + control panel + 2 CO2 sensors + 5 VAV valves + automation), we get:
    • Jablotron = 6076.67 euros
    • Maico = 9848 euros
    • Systemair = 8021 euros
  3. System setup and management. Considerable experience in the implementation of ventilation systems gives us the right to draw conclusions about the calculations, configuration, and control of the system. And Jablotron not only pleasantly surprised us, but struck us with its ease – we could not believe that the system could be so smart and easy to set up. The human factor is minimized, everything is controlled by automation, and all indicators and settings are available to engineers and users in real time.
  4. Additional options and accessories. Jablotron is the only company that offers such a device as Boost Button – a chip that is built into the switch and allows you to activate the enhanced air extraction. And this means – you can forget about the exhaust fans in the bathroom. Neither Maico nor Systemair can offer anything like this. In addition, Jablotron, in cooperation with Faber, has developed a range of cooker hoods for installation above the fryer, which has built-in automation for connection to a centralized ventilation system. Everything works as a part of one process!
  5. Design. It is not the most important factor, but when it comes to placing sensors and controllers on the walls – a significant one. However, it totally depends on your individual preferences.
  6. Warranty. With regular maintenance (timely replacement of filters, etc.), the manufacturer Maico WS provides a 1-year warranty for its equipment, Jablotron Futura provides a 3-year warranty!
  7. Cost of filters. It is well known that any ventilation unit requires regular replacement of filters. Depending on air pollution, replacement is carried out every 2-5 months. An important factor is the cost of filters. The price of the F7 Maico filter = 69 euros, and for the F7 Jablotron filter = 34 euros. Considering the need to replace them regularly, the difference in price is significant.

Results, or which to choose – Maico WS or Jablotron Futura?

Maico ventilation units are an outstanding representative of the European top-level ventilation equipment, which, however, differs minimally from its closest competitors – Systemair, Komfovent, Salda - although at a much higher price. Speaking about the efficiency of the recuperator, noise and basic functionality – when buying Maico, the user does not receive a drastically new ventilation solution.

At the same time, Jablotron offers a whole new level of ventilation solution – both in terms of efficiency, ease of operation and operating costs. The opinion of our experts is unequivocal – the Jablotron Futura ventilation unit clearly outperforms its competitors in all aspects.

If you need any clarification – feel free to contact our engineers, they will tell you in detail about each of the systems, experience of working with them and the results of their operation. If theoretical information is not enough, we are always waiting for you to visit our showroom, here we will show you the equipment and how it is controlled, so you can see, hear, feel and understand the principles of operation of air handling units with recuperation.

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