Installation of water purification systems

Монтаж систем водоочистки
Affordable installation prices
Quality equipment
A team of experienced installation team
Guarantee of the performed work

Principles of water purification systems

Why are water treatment systems so important for people today?

Water purification systems are one of the successfully developing activities of Alter Air, which focuses on the purification of water from undesired contamination from small particles of sand, clay, as well as high iron content. This applies to both water from the central water supply and water from artesian wells.

Untreated water supplied from central urban pipeline or wells is not suitable for consumption, as its chemical composition is far from generally accepted standards. Even if at first glance you think that the water is clean (no odor, yellowness, precipitation, turbidity, etc.), most likely, the level of various chemicals in it (chlorine, iron, hydrogen sulfide, manganese, ammonium, nitrates, sludge, sand, harmful microorganisms and this is not the whole list) exceeds the permissible norms. How dangerous is it? In addition to the negative impact on the human body (condition of hair, skin, etc.), untreated water spoils plumbing and appliances. As a sample: you buy a good and expensive boiler, and it fails in a few years due to the build-up of scale on its heat exchanger.

Does the water smell like hydrogen sulfide? Is there always scale on the taps? Do you have a dry skin after taking a bath / shower? Is there a yellow plaque after bathing in the bathroom? If you encounter these problems, then you need to take care of the installation of water purification and water treatment urgently. Installing a water filter will eliminate all the above troubles.

The process of water purification includes the complex operation of special equipment for physical and chemical treatment of liquids. The chemical composition of water is determined by analysis, which is also carried out by Alter Air.

Stages of water preparation for a private home

For a better understanding of the topic, let's consider the sample of a technical water treatment system for a private home. Water preparation is carried out in several stages:

  • Mechanical cleaning filter - removes sand and rust from water.
  • Complex cleaning filter with filter material - reduces the level of water hardness and removes scale from household appliances.

Complex cleaning filters can be column or cabin type. Column type is a separate shell with ion exchange resin and a separate container with saline solution (for cleaning ion exchange resin). And in cabin-type filters, these two elements are assembled together, so they are more compact. Accordingly, cabin filters are designed to purify water in small apartments. It is recommended to use a special flask with a carbon filter additionally to eliminate the unpleasant smell of water from hydrogen sulfide.

It is important to note that the regeneration process depends on the quality of the source water. Accordingly, the higher the level of water hardness, the shorter the filtration cycle (i.e. the less water can be filtered with one installation).

With integrated cleaning filters, it is also recommended to use cartridges for mechanical cleaning of the source material.

  • Ultraviolet UV disinfectants destroy viruses, microbes and fungi contained in water.

These three stages cope with the purification of water from large particles of impurities, so they are designed only for the purification of industrial water (to extend the life of plumbing and household appliances). This water is not suitable for drinking. In order to prepare drinking water for consumption, you need to install reverse osmosis.

Фильтры очистки воды от Ecosoft

Reverse osmosis system

The reverse osmosis system is designed to purify drinking water. This equipment is installed under the sink, its installation is quite simple, and it will not take more than an hour. Installation of a reverse osmosis system  costs 700 UAH at Alter Air.

On our website you can buy reverse osmosis with or without mineralizer. The mineralizer serves to saturate the purified water with minerals useful for human health. Flow filters are a budget option for reverse osmosis. You can find single-bulb and three-bulb models in our range.

Special conditions of cooperation

We are happy to jointly conduct projects with organizations and self-employed specialists, recommend you to our clients and help with the outsourced engineering part. Additionally, we invite you to attend seminars of the "Engineering in Design" series, where we show by examples how to correctly implement engineering systems in the interiors of end customers.

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Why we?
Turnkey system implementation

We carry out the full process of implementing the climate system - from concept creation to installation and service.

Full complex of climatic systems

Our specialists implement all the main climate systems in a house - from ventilation to automation.


We have been providing engineering services since 2008, but we never stop. Every year - new technologies and proposals.


We provide full technical control of engineering systems at the facility - for clients and related organizations.

Our projects

The best proof of our professionalism is the completed projects.

Video reviews of climate systems

Implementation of a heating and water treatment system in the two-storey house, cottage town
Implementation of a heating and water treatment system in the two-storey house, cottage town "Mezhrechye"
Heating, water supply, sewerage and water treatment systems in the house (Green Hills) based on Viessmann
Heating, water supply, sewerage and water treatment systems in the house (Green Hills) based on Viessmann
Heating, water supply, sewage and plumbing in a two-level apartment in Gatne
Heating, water supply, sewage and plumbing in a two-level apartment in Gatne


We have built a process that guarantees the result
  • Consultation
  • Commercial offer
  • Design
  • Installation of systems
  • Service maintenance


The first meeting takes place in our showroom and lasts 1-1.5 hours. We discuss your wishes, features of the object and the profitability of a particular solution. We show how the equipment implemented in the office works - you will have a clear idea of the implemented engineering systems, their efficiency and ergonomics.

Commercial offer

Commercial offer

You receive a feasibility study and a commercial offer based on it. It also includes an estimate for the equipment and strapping - you will have the right idea of the budget right from the start. The final cost after drawing up the project can change within 15% up or down.



After agreeing on the commercial offer, the client makes 10% of the advance payment of the total amount. We start designing engineering systems. The developed project is agreed with the client, if necessary, corrections are made. The project is then approved by both parties in writing. You will receive a complete package of project documents.

Installation of systems

Installation of systems

We deliver and install all the necessary equipment. We effectively integrate it with other systems and interior solutions. We carry out commissioning works. The final launch of the engineering system is carried out in the presence of you and the chief engineer, so that you are convinced of the correct operation of all components.

Service maintenance

Service maintenance

We carry out warranty and post-warranty maintenance of engineering systems - during the entire period of their operation. We clean and replace filters and accessories. At the request of the client, we can modify the system or optimize it in order to change the performance or save resources.

Installation price

The cost of installing a water treatment system at "Alter Air"

The cost of installation may vary depending on the amount of equipment and its features.


Installation of the reverse osmosis filter
Bought in our store
600 UAH
Reverse osmosis filter installation (installation only)
Bought in another store
1 200 UAH
Installation of cabin-type water treatment system
(with strapping)
2 000 UAH
Do you want to create a healthy and favorable climate in your home?
You have come to the right place!

We solve the problem of microclimate in a house, starting from ventilation, air conditioning, heating and ending with humidification and air purification. We make sure that all systems interact productively with each other and at the same time do not consume a lot of energy in order to save your costs. In our work, we are like a family doctor - we treat your home, analyze a problem, offer solutions to it, and not just sell pills like a pharmacist in a pharmacy.

More about company

500 useful reviews
2 000 satisfied customers
10 000 items in the store
2 300 commissioned objects


Our company offers you services for home water treatment plants. Installing a water filter is a simple process at first glance, that almost anyone can do. But in fact, a professional approach is needed here. After all, only experts can analyze the water, on the basis of which they will help you with the selection and layout of the right equipment.

Alter Air's engineers study the needs of each customer, based on which, they develop approaches to solving problems and offer systems that are ideal for a particular object. If you have any questions about this equipment, or you are interested in plumbing in the apartment, you can ask them by calling our office at 0-800-33-08-28.

Testimonials and questions
  • 5 / 5


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    Добрый день, Лариса! Рады что статья была полезной для вас. На возникновение грибка влияет повышенная влажность в ванной комнате, которая образуется из-за неправильной вытяжки воздуха. Благодаря качественной и правильно установленной вентиляции можно исправить эту проблему! Получите более детальную консультацию от нашего специалиста по телефону : 0800335984